
Doubts regarding impurity on the floor

Q: I had the urge to go to the restroom (for toilet). Before sitting on the toilet seat I usually check the toilet seat whether there is any thing on it or not (I bent my back while checking). The moment I stood straight, I was confused whether from the toilet or normal discharge that gushed out. It gushed so much (this time I really had the urge to go). It was watery and I am confused whether it was from the toilet or clear discharge and that I put my clothes on the floor. I am not sure whether the impurity touched  floor or not. Should I wash the floor? It happened to me nearly three times. 

Toilet door facing qiblah

Q: The door of the toilet is facing the qibla but the Indian toilet is facing in a different direction i.e here in India the qibla direction is in the west and the toilet is entered from the west and the toilet part is facing north south. Is it permissible to use the Indian toilet?

Making tayammum and performing Salaah on a bus

Q: Once I was in bus and the asr time was running out and due to discharge coming out I did not have wudu plus I had to wash the area, so I thought I should go home then pray but time ran out, it became qada. In this case what should have I done? Is doing tayammum by the touching the bus seat where I don't see any sand but it should be there, is valid? While praying in the bus if the bus turns it direction, is my prayer valid? Should I open my face (for salah) in front of people?

Making masah over a gauze

Q: For the reason of taking medication through drip, I have a covering on my arm just below the elbow. This is a plastic tap held by gauze and cannot be removed for at least two days. Is wiping with a wet hand on top of the gauze when performing wudhu correct?

Delaying Salaah till the end of the Salaah time due to an uzr (excuse)

Q: Once, a few pimples on my scalp burst while I was showering and would not stop bleeding. The time for fajr salaah was almost up and my entire body was impure as the water from my head (that was still bleeding) had run all over my body. I tried to wash as much of it as I could but the majority of my body was still impure. I made wudu and performed salaah anyway, just before the time ended. Was this salaah valid? If not, what should I have done in a situation like this?