
Saying "When I get married to my second wife, she is divorced thrice"

Q: I was going through an emotional state and I mentioned when I get married to my second wife, she is divorced thrice. As I divorced my first wife, I keep on getting these waswasah about divorce all the time. Example if I got a certain girl in my mind should I marry her or not, then I get so much off waswasah in my mind that is she the right one for me I don't want to make the same mistake twice it is as if I am scared to get married again and I'm divorcing girls that come to mind so I don't get married to them because I'm scared I'm really suffering with these waswasahs for months now it really weakening me mentally. Will all these divorces go through? If yes, what will I have to do if I I want to make a second nikaah because I'm desirous of getting married. What will be the way out? I feel I am blocked from all sides to progress in anything even I want to do something I feel so hard to do it as if something is pushing me down each time. I want to stand up. Please help me.

Breaking a qasam

Q: I have a question. I'm recently divorced as my wife cheated on me with my own brother. Question I have is one day I was caught by my mum saying I love you to a girl and that we will sleep together. This was after my divorce. My mom was very upset and crying a lot so I didn't understand what to do, now she was tense I was tense and crying trying to calm her down. She then ask me to take kasam on her saying I will not look at any other girls fall in love or have sexual intercourse. We are humans and especially I know I will end up breaking the kasam. Is that kasam valid and if I do break it intentionally then what can be done to take the kasam off completely? Also once a kasam is broken is it no longer valid?

Qasam towrna

Q: I want to ask, agar koi Qur'an pe hath rakh ke qasam khaye ke main aj ke baad khbhi is chez pe tumhain force nahi karon ga aur bilkul sachey dil se boley ke main Quran ko qasim khata hon ke khbhi main xyz chez per force nahi karon ga or uske kuch din baad he us qasam ko todr dey tow uska Kia kafara ya Gunnah hai?

Kaffarah for breaking the oath

Q: If someone has as anxiety disorder which is a chemical imbalance in the brain and is on anti depressants however with these tablets he has to take a sedative, is it jaiz to take the sedative from the psychiatrist even though he promised Allah he would not take that tablet because in his young days he abused that same tablet. Now it is a coincidence that the doctor prescribed that same tablet.

Is taking the following oath to become a US citizen kufr?

Q: I have emigrated from an Arab Muslim country to US and lived there for almost 20 years. I became a US citizens and gave up my original arab muslim country citizenship even though I can keep both citizenship in both countries. My original arab muslim country ruled by islamic law but there is a lot of corruption and in America we have freedom of religion and we have mosques. I love America, and have my home there, and my understanding that a Muslim should love the land he lives in and be a good role model citizen and respect the law as long as he is not asked to do anything prohibited in Islam. I wrote and said the following oath upon taking US citizenship:" I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God." One day I was searching something on the net and read something that was concerning, which was a fatwa by someone (I think from Salafi school of thought) answering someone who asked about the US citizenship oath and the sheikh said that such oath is an absolute allegiance (Wiliya Mutlaga) and hence is considered Kufur! I love my religion Islam. I also love The United States and alhamduliallah feel happy there. Did I commit any apostasy (kufr) by saying and writing the above oath? Am I still a Muslim! Please advise me.

Taking an oath in the mind


1. If one takes an oath in the mind, is it valid? Suppose if we realize that our oath is invalid (oath on not to do something etc) is it necessary to keep up our oath?

2. If we take an oath by saying 'Allah qasam' does it mean oath or promise and even if we take by that word is it valid if we say it in mind?

3. I do not want to take an oath on particular things but if I make it against my will without making up my mind (to say like I feel like I took an oath in mind within 3 or 4 seconds against my willing) but I think I didn't take it intentionally but I feel to be not sure also. In this case should I keep up my oath or no need?

4. Does an unwilling or unintentional oath or promise count?