Hunting and Fishing

Trophy Hunting

Q: Can I please have a detailed answer with references regarding "Is trophy Hunting permissible" " and hunting with rifles". I'm a student of Deen that's why I request references. I need it as part of my research.


Q: I have some doubts regarding fishing, which I would like you to please clear.

1. Is permissible or haraam to fish without the intention of eating/selling/giving away the fish, that is the fisherman practise catch and release.

2. If the above is not permissible, would it be permissible for me to only take home the smaller fish, as I live alone and have no use for the larger fish.

3. If (1) and (2) are not permissible, what may I do with my fishing equipment. May it be sold or given away?

Hunting and Hunting Licenses

Q: Please could you let us know the Islamic viewpoint regarding the following matters related to hunting:

  1. In Zambia, the government sells licenses for hunting. Prospective buyers firstly have to pay a non-refundable fee in order to attain the right to bid. Thereafter, they can submit bids for licenses. Is this payment of a non-refundable fee permissible?
  2. Once bids are submitted, the government through its discretion approves certain bids and rejects others. A person whose bid is accepted for a certain animal e.g. a buffalo, can go out and hunt the buffalo himself, or even sell the license to a third party at a profit. Is this reselling of the license permissible?
  3. Government rules state that when the animal is shot and wounded, the license holder will be regarded as having attained the provisions of the license, regardless of whether he actually manages to catch the animal or not. If we regard the actual bay’ to take place when the hunter gets hold of the animal, then a situation might arise where he doesn’t get any mabee’ or he gets a dead animal (maytah). Please advise on this aspect.      
  4. The government has demarcated national parks in which wild animals are confined. Would this be regarded as Ihraaz by the government? Furthermore, would it be permissible for a hunter to hunt more animals than what he has paid for i.e. poaching? If he does, will it be permissible for him to consume the meat thereof?