Hunting and Fishing

Using dead fish as bait and sport fishing


1. Are we allowed to use real dead fish as bait when fishing? Meaning, not the rubber bait, bait like sardines, etc. 

2. Are we also allowed to catch and release fish?

3. If 'no' for the above question, the law says that certain fish must be a certain length and they should not be endangered, etc. and if they don't meet those requirements they must be released, or else you can get fined if caught. So if the answer is 'no' for question 2 then what should we do. Will we be sinful if we release the fish once we caught it, because you don't really know what size fish and species you catching until you caught it.



1. If the hunting dog catches and kills the prey, is it halaal to consume? Will zabah have to be made if so?

2. In hunting if the animal is killed with just the force of the arrow, is that animal halaal? If so, will zabah have to be made?

3. Is the use of shot guns/ hunting rifles permissible?