
Kissing the Hajr-e-Aswad

Q: I have a few questions regarding Tawaaf:

1. When making استلام بالاشارة must one raise the hands upto the ears (as in Salaah) or in line with the shoulders? Also, does one stretch out the arms (as if touching the Hajar e Aswad) or must one keep the hands in line with the body?

2. Thereafter, when kissing the hands must one kiss the fingers or the palms?

3. When making استلام بالاشارة in which direction must the body face? In this regard is there a difference between the first Istilaam & the subsequent ones?

3. When making استلام بالاشارة during the course of Tawaaf does one stop at the Hajar e Aswad, make Istilaam & thereafter continue walking, or must one make Istilaam while walking?

Ma'zoor making new wudhu for tawaaf

Q: I am leaving for hajj in a few days time insha Allah. I have a problem of continous discharge. I am maazoor.

1. If for example I am travelling and I stop to read zohr namaaz. After reading my zohr namaaz can I make a new wudhu immediatley with the intention of asr or do I have to wait for the next salaah time to set in and then make a fresh wudhu?

2. Can I just make a fresh wudhu before every namaaz without changing my panty liner?

3. After performing salaah in the haram do I have to make a fresh wudhu before I start tawaaf?

And what happens if for example I am performing tawaaf and the time for the asr sets in, do I have to make a new wudhu for asr salaah and after performing asr salaah do I have to make a new wudhu again to complete my tawaaf?

Making istilaam at the beginning and ending of every tawaaf

Q: Please assist with the following: When a person makes tawaaf in umrah, then he makes istilaam of the Hajr-e-Aswad upon completion of his tawaaf (i.e. his eighth istilaam) as well as before proceeding for Sa'ee (his ninth istilaam). However, when a person is performing nafl tawaaf (not in ihraam), will he still make the eighth istilaam, or can he complete his tawaaf by merely passing the Hajr-e-aswad?


Q: I heard some people are fond of circumventing the Kaaba 7 times. I want to know if this is in line with sharia, i.e. circumventing the Kaaba in multiple times as a form of additional ibadat.