Marital Issues

Status of nikaah if a couple are not intimate for many years

Q: I am married for 29 years with 5 children. All are grown up now. 15 years ago my husband stopped sleeping with me and stopped all activities of married life with me but we both live in one house in separate rooms. We are together because of the kids. Are we still husbsnd and wife or is our relationship affected? He hates me and don’t want to live with me. He said that our nikaah is no more because he did not come close to me for 15 years.

Mother having an affair

Q: My mother is cheating us by having physical relation with other man . And me and my younger brother caught this and we tried more than three times to forgive her and advice her and show her the right path. She used to do five time namaz every day from her childhood itself but she cannot control her temptation with this man and always they are making physical relation when they get a chance. I am always a silent boy but my brother can’t control his anger and today he punched her because after promising upon allah that she will not repeat it she is continuing the relation and my brother caught again their voice calls and it’s beyond the limit . Sir please give me some advice to how to handle this situation.. and is it allowed to beat mother in this situation..

Living with one's mother after childbirth when husband is abroad

Q: I gave a birth to a child and my husband is abroad. I'm living in my mother's place. My husbands family are living in another place. I feel my mother's place is comfortable for me. My in laws never take care of me and they never helped me in anything. They used to always fight and tell me that they will tell my husband to divorce me. There are too much troubles. This is my first child birth and it is hard to do things alone so I'm staying in my mother's place. My mother helps me and she washes all the dirty cloths of mine and my child's. She take care of my child also and does all my things. Now I have bleeding also I feel I should stay in my mother's care. But my husband troubles me to stay with my in laws, so I explained the situation of my in laws but he don't want to listen to me. What should I do?

Husband wanting children without having intercourse

Q: I married 2 years ago. Since my husband is working in a foreign country, we don't have children. Though he returns home he refuses to stay with me, and always be nervous about his job. If he wishes, he stays with me, and he refuses to fulfil my desires and feelings, but he wants children and sometimes hurts me for not having a baby for 2 years in front of others. All my family question me, what should I do? How can I have baby without him? Are there any duas to get my husband's love? And to have a baby quickly?

Wife not listening to the husband

Q: Your advice is being sought for the following:

In case a wife who has been advised not to do 'eyebrow shaping' (epilation des sourcils) numerous times by her husband, but the wife does not obey her husband and still does it often due to peer pressure because her sisters do it often. What course of action may the husband take?

Husband not happy with wife driving and leaving the house

Q: I am in a dilemma. The scenario is as such. I am newly married. My wife teaches in a masjid full time Hifz and drives there and back home. She is not living with me at the moment. She will start living with me at the end of April. I disapprove of this teaching in the masjid and the driving.

The thing is my wife said she wants to continue teaching and driving back and forth. She says that she will be bored in the day and wants to keep herself busy. I totally disagree and feel she can do her own dor and teach at home.

My dad gives me mushwara to let her drive and work in the masjid and so does her father until we, inshaAllah have a child.

I feel this totally negates the shariah. I am very sad at the moment and feel like crying because they make me feel like I'm stopping her from something good. I don't want her to work or drive. What is your advice on how I should proceed in this matter?

Breastfeeding in front of one's mahrams

Q: My sister in law, that means my husbands younger sister, when she feeds her son breast milk, she takes her breasts out and feeds her son in an open room. My father in law, my brothers in law and my husband are all living together. When she breastfeeds her son, she doesn't close the room door but keeps the door wide. My husband went in that room to take his things but he didn't mean to go see her with an ugly mind. I too didn't mean that my husband is going to the room with an ugly mind. I know he is going to take his things which is in that room but when I was talking to my husband about this matter, I ask my husband "How do you have permission to go in that room when she was taking her breasts out, it is not permissible in Islam." Then my husband complained that I have an a ugly mind about his sister and he says that I'm an ugly woman and I'm suspecting their pure relationship. It's not like that wallahi, as a wife my husband hasn't seen my whole body. It's hurts me. That's why I am asking regarding his sister. He says that he has the total permission to go in front of his sister even if she feeds with her breasts out. Does my husband have permission to see his sisters body parts as a brother?