Mother having an affair

Q: My mother is cheating us by having physical relation with other man . And me and my younger brother caught this and we tried more than three times to forgive her and advice her and show her the right path. She used to do five time namaz every day from her childhood itself but she cannot control her temptation with this man and always they are making physical relation when they get a chance. I am always a silent boy but my brother can’t control his anger and today he punched her because after promising upon allah that she will not repeat it she is continuing the relation and my brother caught again their voice calls and it’s beyond the limit . Sir please give me some advice to how to handle this situation.. and is it allowed to beat mother in this situation..

A: If she is not happy with your father ask her to request him to divorce her and she may then marry the other man after the iddat.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)