Haiz, Istihaazah & Nifaas

Seeing a yellow discharge

Q: I have a yellow discharge that comes almost every single day and an irregular menstrual cycle. I haven't seen any brown discharge or actual blood for months.

After reading some of the questions and answers from Muftionline, I understood the discharge to be haidh and started calculating 10 days haidh, 15 days tuhr even without seeing any blood.

I was recently informed that only when I see blood or brownish discharge, that will be my haidh. And any yellow discharge after the bloom, until the end of 10 days will be counted as haidh. After that, I must wait for blood again, otherwise never to count the yellow discharge as haidh.

1. Was what I was doing correct?

2. Was what I was told correct?

3. If what I was told was correct, do I now have to repeat all my months of salaah missed?

4. Please tell me what to do in a little extra detail. 

Taking a ghusal after nifaas

Q: A ladies nifaas ended at 18:54 on her 40th day. She is still spotting but she had a bath as her time was over. She had a bath before this time 18:54 was done bathing at 18:50. Does she need to repeat her ghusl as it was yesterday that she had her bath but realized today it was before the time?

Slight bleeding after inserting a copper IUD

Q: I have recently inserted a copper IUD which is causing me to bleed very slightly. I am 47 years old, with 4 children and have used the copper IUD for many years. My doctor tells me that it is normal to bleed slightly like this after copper IUD insertion and it can take up to 4 or 6 months for my body to adjust. Since this is not my period I considered my condition to be that of istihaada. I was washing myself every time and making a fresh wudu every time. But if this is going to take several months or even weeks, should I continue to make fresh wudu and wash myself all the time? What do I do if my period doesn't return within some time? Please advise

Irregular bleeding

Q: I started my period on 24th September and it’s been 12 days now and it’s still spotting so is it counted as period or istihadha? I am 49 years old and I also started premenopause so my period is not always regular. It is like it comes for a few months then it stops for a few months but recently it’s been coming on since 3 months. I am confused if I start praying namaz or not.

Spotting after nifaas

Q: A woman had nifaas for 40 days. She then spotted for 2 weeks. She had five months of no bleeding. She spotted for two weeks. She had 13 days of no bleeding. The next day she saw one spot of blood. She saw no blood for four days. On the fifth day, she saw one spot of blood. Her habit before nifaas was 17 days purity and 9 days bleeding. Should she follow the habit from before nifaas, or does she have a new habit based on her lengthy tuhr after nifaas?

Woman seeing yellow discharge before and after the days of haidh


1. I learnt that a female's yellow discharge is regarded as haidh during the day's of haidh and istihaadha out of it. Therefore, if one experiences this discharge before the fifteen days tuhr is up, sometimes just a few days before haidh begins and sometimes through the tuhr period, does one need to treat it as normal istihaadha, i.e. change and make a fresh wudhu for every salah, or as normal discharge, i.e wudhu only breaks when the discharge comes out?

2. Regarding the yellow discharge, if the lady gets it after 11 days of tuhr and it continues till the 16th day, and thereafter she gets her normal haidh (proper bleeding that usually lasts for about 8 days and if counted with the yellow discharge would go over 10 days), but her habit is normally 18 days of tuhr, does she count her haidh from the 15th, 16th, or 18th day?

Irregular haidh

Q: In November, I had a tuhr period of 15 days. Then I had haidh from 17 to 27 November. After that I experienced bleeding for 10 more days but I prayed my namaz. Then there was no bleeding for 6 days. From 13 December, I started my haidh again which continued till 23 December. After that I was clean for 8 days but again started bleeding from 1st January. Now how will I calculate my tuhr period now? Will it be 15 days? When will I count my next haidh?