Haiz, Istihaazah & Nifaas

Reverting to one's old habit of haidh

Q: I am writing as I am very confused regarding my Haidh. Before giving birth, my Haidh lasted a week. I had my baby via C-section on 3rd Jan 2017. Bled for 40 days. After that, I considered it Istihaadhah and started reading Salaah. On 22 Feb 2017, I started bleeding again, this time like my normal Haidh. But because there was not a 15 day clean period in between, I continued Salaah. I stopped reading once the 15 days from Nifaas was up and then only considered it a period. The bleeding ended on 9 March 2017. On 19 March 2017, bleeding started. This time also exactly like my Haidh but because 15 days in between hasn't passed, I'm confused. Since the first period after Nifaas wasn't after 15 days of cleanliness, all future calculations are going off. Please advise as I know this is Haidh bleeding but have to continue Salaah each time. Jazaakallah.

Irregular bleeding

Q: A woman got her periods, however the flow was exceptionally light and only lasted 4 days as opposed to the usual 6 days. Also the usual symptoms that come along such as period cramps were not experienced. It has been 10 days and she has gotten her period, this time it is normal unlike the previous haidh. However should she consider this haidh or istihadah?

Irregular bleeding

Q: Kindly advise me on the following:

A womans last haiz ended on the 01/02. On the 03/03 at 6:35 pm she noticed some blood, however the bleeding did not continue and she continued to have a clear discharge in the days that followed and continued with her salaahs. On the 05/03 at 6:35pm she started bleeding as normal. From which day will she consider her haiz to have started.

Bleeding after a miscarriage

Q: I had a miscarriage in January 2017. No limbs of the foetus were formed. After the miscarriage I bled for some time. The bleeding stopped followed by brownish discharge. This is ongoing although lighter. What habit do I use? My previous habit was 6 days prior to having the miscarriage.

Qadha of Esha Salaah if a woman's period ends before fajr


1. A woman is on her period. She goes to sleep at night but when she wakes up at fajr time, she realises that she must have become taahir during the night since there is no trace of blood. Does she have to make qadaa of the isha prayers? 

2. Would it have been necessary for her to set her alarm clock to wake her up before the end of isha time/start of fajr time, to check whether the period had finished at night, in which case she would avoid it becoming qada?

Irregular bleeding

Q: I have just started homeopathic treatment to correct my hormonal imbalance (irregular periods). I had my haiz for 8 days and was clean so I had a ghusl. Today is the 10th day and this morning I can see a very thin line of blood in my discharge. The discharge is more than the blood. Do I regard this as part of my haiz?

Yellow discharge

Q: Is very slightly yellow discharge like normal routine discharge at the end of haidh considered haidh (as my normal discharge is also slightly yellowish) if this yellow discharge is observed on the 9th day of haidh.

Irregular bleeding after undergoing an operation

Q: I m 39 years old. 16 years back I had an ectopic operation due to which one of my ovaries was removed which is responsible for producing estrogen hormones. Since that day my menstrual cycle has become irregular. My past normal days were 7. Now bleeding is for 2 days in the start then completely stops. No stains til; 8 days, then on 9, 10 and 11th day I again get some brownish discharge. Should I consider this as haidh or istihaaza?

Irregular bleeding after childbirth

Q: I got a baby 6 months ago. Before that I used to get my periods for 6 days. After nifaas I started getting my periods differently, I'm getting it for 8 days and then for 2 days nothing, on the 10th day around zuhr-asr time, I get a very slight pinkish colour on my discharge, and after that there's nothing. Must I count 6 days like how I used to get before I got a baby or count 8 days and make qadha later of the 2 days or count 10 days and make qadha of the namaaz that's left out. Must I count the pinkish colour? I'm very confused. What must I do?