Haiz, Istihaazah & Nifaas

Irregular brown discharge after taking birth control pills

Q: I am usually regular with my menstruations, with active bleeding occuring around the 20th of each month, once a month only. However I have recently started taking birth control pills, and I am experiencing a very mild brown discharge, since the 7th November (out of my regular menstrual bleeding time). Medically this is referred to as breakthrough bleeding, caused by the pill. Would it be counted as menstrual bleeding Islamically, once 15 days of being paak have passed? Even though this bleeding does not exactly resemble the actual menstrual flow? What about if this brown discharge starts before the full 15 days of being paak,i.e. the discharge occurs randomly throughout the month. Although, during the first 2 days of my actual menstrual period, the flow is a similar mild brown, after which it progresses to red bleeding.

Irregular bleeding after nifaas

Q: A woman gave birth. Continuous bleeding continued for 36 days. It stopped at 36 days. After 7 days, bleeding started again for 10 days. Then she had 10 days of no bleeding. After that, bleeding began continuously for a month (and may continue like this for months).

Her previous nifaas habit was 40 days. Before pregnancy, her last habit was 7 days haidh and 21 clean days.

She calculated the nifaas as a full forty days. She then began performing salaah, despite the bleeding. When the bleeding began 23 days after the 40-day nifaas, she stopped performing salaah for full 10 days. She then took ghusl and began performing salaah. Now 13 days of bleeding have passed after the ghusl.

a) Uptil now, has she acted correctly?

b) Currently, should she stop performing salaah after 15 days or after 21 days as was her habit previously before pregnancy?

c) Should she calculate her haidh as 7 days or 10 days, as she is bleeding continuously?

She is not sure if she should stop her salaah in 2 days or not, or if she should have stopped already.