Published 2 years ago
Last updated 2 years ago
Q: My menstrual cycle is 10 days and 15 clean days due to ongoing discharge, etc. My 10 days would have ended at 1.30pm however because I had to travel away from home and would not have been able to make ghusl at that time, I made ghusl at 12.30 and prayed zuhr. Was this correct? I could feel discharge after but didn't check again till asr.
A: If your haidh is 10 days and the 10 days ends at 1:30pm and you made ghusl at 12:30pm and thereafter you had a discharge, then your ghusl was not valid. You should repeat your ghusl and the fardh salaahs which you had performed in that time.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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