Faraaidh of wudhu

Making wudhu with compression stockings

Q: An old lady has been advised by a doctor to wear compression stockings on her legs for circulation. She doesn't have any wounds etc. on her legs. The stockings are from her knees and only the toes are open.

The stockings are very tight and she requires someone to put it on and remove it for her. Is it permissible for her to make masah over the stockings and only wash the toes for wudhu?

Washing the face in wudhu


1. When the boundaries of the face are mentioned in the books of Fiqh, are the boundaries included in the washing i.e. is the bottom of the chin included and must be washed?

2. If someone came and said to you, "I can’t see the bottom part of my nose (just above the moustache) so must it be washed? What would you say to him when telling him about the definition of the face?

Neatening the eyebrows and tinting the eyelashes


1) Is it permissible for an unmarried girl to neaten the eyebrows (i.e. remove the stray hairs that are above the eyes and above nose area)?

2) Is it permissible to tint the eyelashes? (Black)

3) Is wudhu valid if someone has dirt or normal food particles (excluding dough) under the nails?

4) Is wudhu valid if after completing wudhu, the residue caused by water discharge from the eyes remain? (Like the discharge around the eyes when one wakes up from a sleep)

5) Is it permissible to use snail cream/ products on one’s body?

6) Is wudhu valid if there is glitter on the wudhu parts that remain even after completing wudhu i.e the glitter that comes on a person from clothing, carpet etc?

7) Can a person read salaah whilst azaan is being called?