Faraaidh of wudhu

Making wudhu with nail polish

Q: Why is wudhu not valid if someone wears nail polish? Wudhu is a matter of cleanliness, so if anyone wears it after cleaning their nails then the dirt will only touch the nail polish. When performing wudhu, the nail polish will be washed. So why should the water should reach the nail? 

Being unable to wash one's feet in a basin for wudhu

Q: From birth I have a congenital hip dislocation problem due which I am not able to lift my leg till the height of the wash basin. In most offices, people wash their feet in the wash basins but I can't do that to wash my feet.

Please advice if I can:

1. Do masah on my feet.

2. Wet the complete foot by rolling a wet hand.

3. Use a commode to wash my feet where a Muslim shower is available.