Faraaidh of wudhu

Masah on socks

Q: Can you please let me know can I wipe (masah) over normal socks? Not leather one's because im in Kuwait here most of the people do this. If it's not permissible, can I perform namaz behind them or should I perform individually? Please give me a clear answer.

Dirt or sunblock remaining on one's face after making wudhu


1. After making wudhu, dirt on the cheek remains even after washing the cheek, is the wudhu valid or must the that part of the face be washed again?

2. After making wudhu, sunblock on the face remains even after washing that part of the face, is the wudhu valid?

3. After making wudhu, the dirt (like sand which you normally find when awakening from sleep) remains in the corner of the eye even after washing that part of the face in wudhu, is the wudhu valid?

Nail polish

Q: I know that anything that stops water from entering your skin is haraam (nail polish, wax, etc). But if I only do white nail tips, or any colour nail polish on the tips of my nails which isn't touching the skin. Is this ok!