
Respecting one's mother

Q: My son spent the weekend with us. When he was leaving, he was was rushing so I asked him if he was rushing for an appointment. He said he is taking his wife to the gynae. I asked if she was expecting and he replied No. That night he phoned to say that his daughter wanted to speak to me. Excitedly, she told me that her mummy was having another baby. I phoned my son the next day to ask him if his wife was expecting. To my surprise, he got upset and told me to stop probing. I told him that I am his mother and I will only make dua for him. He spoke to me very harshly and began arguing with me saying that by me asking him questions, his wife is having issues with him. His wife is a very controlling person and my son cannot do anything without her permission.I told my son that I will forward this issue to a mufti as he feels he is right and I am wrong . Kindly give me a solution as to what to do. I am really grieved at my son’s behavior. Jazaka Allah

Ma aur bhai ko zakaat dena

Q: Agar me zakat k paisay zakat ki neyat se apnay bhai or maa ko da dun ko ye paisay un logo ko de den jin ko ma zakat dena chahti hun ye na kahun k ye zakat h or na ye kahan k jin ko dena ha unhe ye bhi keh den k ap in paso k malik hn to kia zakat ada jo jaye gi? Agar nahi to ma apnay bhai or maa k zariye se un tak kia keh k zakat bheju k zak at ada ho jaye ma apnay bhai or maa ko nahi btana chahti k ye zakat h ?

Assisting one's mother who is a drug addict

Q: My mother is a drug addict and has been one since I was 15 and now I am 28. I am a married woman and my husband and I have tried to help her by letting her stay by us a few times but she stole money twice and recently she came to live by us and was fine for a while. She even started hifz but then left again to live by another man and now she wants to come back to live here because the man beats her up. My husband just keeps quiet but I know deep down he is not happy with it. She is crying on the phone alot but I told her my husband can't pick her up so late in the night we live far. She said that she will see where she is going to sleep for the night. I am starting to buy her monthly groceries from my allowance but now she wants to come and live back here. What should I do, I am totally lost.

Registering a child on the mother's name

Q: I am a second wife currently pregnant and my husband and his parents are emotionally and verbally abusing me. His first marriage is in community of property leaving all of his assets to his first wife while mine was just a nikaah and he has only provided a house for me. He has always falsely accused me of being unfaithful when I gave him no reason to believe so. He says that the child I'm carrying is not his. I am very hurt and I have left my home and don't want to go back to him. Can I register my child using my surname because of the situation that I'm in? He has also told me that he will be selling my house. He left nothing for me and our unborn child while his first family lives a cosy lavish life. Please advise me.

Threatening one's mother that one will divorce one's wife

Q: I want to ask a question relating to divorce. Actually I went through a certain situation of argument with my mom in front of my wife where I told my mom unintentionally that if you think I am not good with you after marriage I will divorce (talaaq) her and be good with you. But this statement was unintentional and just meant to make my mom realize that I am not changed. Whats the ruling of this?

Fidyah for missed fasts

Q: Should fidyah (penalty for not fasting) be paid on behalf of a dead person who didn't fast for many years? If yes then what is the ruling of the number of years she didn't fast is not known? Detail of question is that my mother didn't fast for an unknown number of years due to negligence and because she was disabled to some extent for a long time but she was able to fast in that condition.

Respecting one's mother

Q: I have an 83 year old mother... She is terribly anti Deen and this infuriates me so I raise my voice to her and just today I said to her even though she is my mother "an enemy of Allah Ta'ala is an enemy of mine". She speaks the most despicable things about Deen and I dont know how to manage the situation anymore. We do read our Salaat and do all thats required of us as Muslims and its as if she waits for me to stand on my musalla then she performs even more by walking about the house screaming for me. Please advise.