
Mother stealing

Q: I work for a Medical company and I make a good living, Alhamdulillah. I never wanted to discuss this with anybody but I have to. My mom has a really bad habit of stealing stuff from stores like grocery stores and marts. This makes me soo disgusted and embarassed. Whenever I take her to any store, she steals stuff. I make almost 7 to 8K Dollars a month which is suffient to live but she keeps stealing. I tried to tell her nicley not to do this as it is a big sin but she shouted and said not to misbehave with her. Please let me know the best way to let her know about this gunah. 

Dealing with a dominating family

Q: How to deal with a dominating family? Basicaly my mother is always undermining a divorcee daughter and always ignoring what she enjoys etc. No respect for her. etc. How do we build the ties? The daughter has moved to her own place but the problems are still there and it's damaging the relationship. The daughter tried talking to her siblings and the parents but it's ignored. In Islam it's important to have family ties etc. what's the best approach?

Doubting whether to marry a person

Q: I have a difficult situation that I am dealing with right now, and I really need some advice. I'm not sure where to go to with this question because I do not have a local masjid, therefore nobody who could advise me. I am a revert who lives in the U.S. I met a guy who lives in the UK, and we have planned on getting married for about three years now. We have been waiting for the right time to get married and are now planning to this summer in Sha Allah. When we get married, I'll be leaving the U.S. and going to the UK to live with him and his parents. We've discussed this several times before, and he tried to make sure I was okay with living with his parents or trying to decide if we should get our own place. I'm very close with his family, so of course I said I didn't mind living with them. Recently an issue came up that we can't seem to settle. He and his mother are both saying that after we get married, I am not allowed to come back to the U.S. for any reason even to visit my family. They also said at first that I couldn't have any contact with them either, but after a discussion about it, they have agreed that I can still talk to them just not go see them. My family doesn't agree with my choice of religion and they don't support me, but at the end of the day they are still my parents and I still love them. He claims that they are scared my parents may harm me (or my children if I take them with me), but I don't think my parents would do that. I've been trying to be very optimistic and hope that once they see my lifestyle and what being a Muslim woman is really like instead of what they have always heard, they will come to accept my choice even if they don't fully agree with it. I also have a sister who I am very close to. It's heartbreaking to me to think about not ever seeing them again. It's going to be hard moving to a new country and being so far from them at first, but that doesn't really upset me as long as I know I can see them again. When I think about leaving here and how when I tell them bye it may be goodbye for life... It kills me inside. I've tried to explain my side of things and ask the guy to picture himself in my shoes. He said he saw my point and doesn't mind me coming back to visit him. However, he had a private conversation with his mother again and now he is taking her side and doesn't want to change his mind. I've tried to tell him that I mean no disrespect to her. I love her like she's my own mother too, but I just don't think it is fair and I can't understand why she won't change her mind. She has two daughters as well, wouldn't she be upset if their husbands or mother in laws prevented them from seeing her again? He's gotten really stressed out over this issue and thought we shouldn't get married after all. He feels like he's having to take a side, which he is, but it makes me feel bad. I think there will be many times in life where the husband will have to take either his wife's side or his mother's about certain issues (hopefully not all as big as this one) and I don't expect him to always take mine. However, this is an issue that I feel very strongly about, and we are both worried that it could cause a lot of problems down the road. We are in her house so she makes the rules. I don't want to go against his mother and I do still want to get married to him, but my family is important to me even if they don't agree with my lifestyle. There's events like my sisters graduation and the births of her children that I don't want to miss. Can him and his mother really keep me from seeing them or do I have a right to still see them even if it's against his mother's wish?

Also, if the mother is so strongly against this, do you think that we should still get married?

Showing kindness to one's wife and mother

Q: I have a question regarding the wife and mother. There is no problem between my mom and my wife, my wife just dont want anybody to come to our house for living. My mom is very sick and I am taking care of her in my house as being her child. I did not ask my wife to take care of my mother except cooking regular food which is normal. I am having such a big problem for no reason, she is not talking to me nor talking to my parents. I am not happy with my wife.

Can you please guide me what sharia says about this case or what should I do, should I let my mom get sick or let my wife go?

Mother forcing the son to divorce his wife

Q: I need your help. I got married by my mother. She chose my wife for me Alhamdulilah but my mother now wants me to divorce my wife because they say she sleep with men and call her names and when she is very sick they say she fakes it and get between our problems even my aunt's want her to come over to clean the house and do work for free but I tell my wife not to because I believe that's wrong. So they tell my mother she don't listen and they keep telling lies about my wife. My big brother tells me to divorce her even tho he has never seen her. She's in morocco and I live in the U.S with my family and I'm fixing my wife's papers so she can come live with me inshallah. Also she prays and has patience and always tells me it's not your fault, Allah is testing you just be patient. Alhamdulilah it's because of her I'm still with my family. So what should I do, should I obey my mother and divorce her or should I move away when my wife comes inshallah and I respect my mother? My mother is very very very jealous and tough on me and always talking bad about my wife and calling her bad names. My mother even says if you have kids with her you are not my son and if I have a son she will never see me and him again and keeps yelling at me and telling my big brothers to tell me for divorce and they force me but Alhamdulilah I'm patient and I tell them I don't talk to her no more because I don't want to deal with the headache. So I keep me and my wife secret until she comes. Should I do divorce because my family wants or should I move away and contact them time to time?

Mother not allowing the daughter to get married

Q: I have been searched to the best of my ability for some years now and always the ullamah of my country tell me to bear patience to a point now I think they pick what is in the sharia that favours customs and for aspects that do not favour customs they ask us to be patient. I have wanted to get married for the past for the past nine years but my mother has obstructed it from happening, I am 28 now and my dad has died when I was 12, it has reached a point in our living with her is unbearable we both dislike each other, though I decided to forgive her because I don't want to have to face Allah on judgment day complaining about all the wrongs that have been done to me, but she hates me she cries in her sallah complaining to Allah about me, she says I make her heart black (I can only assume that's hate for me). I feel she is oppressing me to achieve her motives. The problem runs really deep writing it all down would be extremely revealing, so my question now is "should I pack my things and leave her house, as she doesn't love me and I darken her heart because I refused to obey her flimsy excuses of the kind of husband she wants for me and the life she wants for her self through me. I would be moving to my paternal uncles home." I use to think of killing her or killing myself some time back then I realized it would jeopardize my chance of entering Jannah. Thank you for taking your time to read through, am grateful.

Khwaab ki ta'beer

Q: Me takreebn 5-6 mahiny se har dosry tesry hafty ek khwab dekta ho jis me mai kabi apni sagi behn ke saat to kabi apni maa ke sat zina krta ho or ye khawab hamesha aadhi rat ko dekta ho jiski waja se me boht pareshn ho bary mehrabani is khwab ki tabeer batae.

Boy not happy to get married to a girl his mother chose

Q: My mother has selected a bride for my elder brother. He is not happy with the skin color of the bride however the girl comes from a good family and has good character. But my elder brother is not happy as all his friends have beautiful wives. Please provide an explanation so that me, my mother and family can convince my brother. Is there any salah or ayah to offer and fill my brothers life with piece and love?