
Becoming an events organizer

Q: I am planning to start my career in the field of event organizing. I may get events in which there may be unlawful gatherings, intermingling of sexes, and other haram stuffs that may be involved. Can I take such contracts ? What if I do not mix into the gathering or support the setup of any haram products such as alcohol. My part would be merely to supervise and look after the decoration of the venue and related jobs?

Giving a bribe

Q: I am a rep for a medicine company. We have to visit doctors to promote our medicines. The doctors are not receptive towards us until we give them a bribe. In this case, will it be permissible for us to give a bribe?

Becoming a chartered accountant and taking bursaries from companies

Q: I am a grade 11 student and I want to pursue accounting after school. I am just concerned about whether being a charted accountant is permissible in Islam as it involves recording interest bearing transactions. The accountant is not involved in the actual interest bearing transaction but all he has to do is record it on, the businesses financial statements.

1. Is it permissible to become a charted accountant?

2. Is it permissible to take bursaries from large auditing firms in SA. They offer to pay for all your studies and you have to work with them for 3 years after you qualify. Is it permissible to work for these large auditing companies e.g. Deloitte and Tousche, PWC OR KPMG. They audit the books of large companies that also use interest.

3. Would mufti saheb suggest becoming a charted accountant?

Leaving one's job to start a business

Q: I am a professional and have been working as an employee for the past 12 years. I have never found any happiness or peace of mind in the work that I do. It has always been the one negative aspect of an otherwise blessed life. I now strongly feel that I should leave my profession and rather work for myself in what ever capacity, business etc as I have no faith in the "cycical" and "fake" professional world with people being a slave to money and profit. I believe that although a financial risk it will bring me peace and make me a better Muslim. Please advise on the preferred course of action.

Khilaari banna

س:جناب ہم نے پہلے بھی اک سایئٹ پر یہ سوال کیا تو پہلے صاحب نے کہاں کہ مجھے معلوم نہی اک مولوی صاحب نے کہا کہ اگر نماز ،روزہ کی پابندی کریں تو جائز ہیں۔ اب برائے مہربانی آپ ہماری اس مسئلے کو حل کریں۔کیوں کہ میں اُ س مطمئن نھیں ہوں۔ "میری بھائی کرکٹ کی شوقین ہے اور اک ​انٹرینشنل کھلاڑی بننا چاہتا ہیں اور under 18player)) ہیں۔ میں یہ پوچھنا چاہتا ہوں کہ اس کی پیسے اسلام میں جائز ہے یا نہیں۔کیوں کہ یہ اک طرف جوا لگتی ہیں تو دوسری طرف یہ انعام کی طرح ہوتی ہیں۔