
WhatsApp Quraan groups

Q: I’ve recently received a message saying that Quraan reading groups are not permissible in Islaam.

About 2 years ago I asked a few of my female relatives and friends if they’d like to join me in a Quraan group. We each get 2 weeks to read a para. If someone cannot manage that week we wait for them or assist them. If people find that they no longer want to be on the group they are welcome to enter and leave freely. This is purely administrated in Whatsapp and not together in person.

We have all come together with the sole purpose of reading Quraan more regularly for the pleasure of Allah and nothing else. The group acts more as a reminder to read Quraan and not forcing people to read as it is entirely up to each member.

As the group started many members found it helpful as the reminders assisted them in making time in their daily lives where as some people had previously not read Quraan throughout the year except for Ramadaan.

Being part of the group has helped me and many others form love for reading Quraan regularly.

Please advise if it will be possible for us to continue reading our para every 2 weeks as a group with these reminders. If we need to make any changes to how we run the group then that can be done ‎إن شاء الله‎‎ Our intention is solely for the pleasure of Allah.

Objection against Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) marrying Hazrat Zainab (radhiyallahu anha)

Q: In Surah 33, verse 38 it is stated that when Zaid (radhiyallahu anhu) dissolved his marriage with Zainab (radhiyallahu anha) then Nabi Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) married the divorced wife of Zaid (radhiyallahu anhu). Zaid (radhiyallahu anhu) was the foster son of Nabi (sallallahu alaihi wasallam).

In your fatwa you stated that it is not permissible for a man to marry his sisters, maternal and paternal aunts, nieces, foster mothers, foster sisters, and daughters-in-law from his blood sons or foster sons. Please let me know if the Quran is correct or if your fatwa is correct.

Imaam forgetting to make sajdah tilaawat in salaah


1. The imaam of my masjid recited Surah Al Alaq in Fajr salaah, but forgot to do sajdah tilaawat in the salaah. Will I have to repeat the salaah or should I only do the sajdah tilaawah by myself?

2. What should be done if the imaam forgets to do sajdah tilaawah?

3. Is it important to mention the name of the surah in the niyyah for sajdah tilaawah? Is just mentioning that 'I intend to do sajdah tilaawah of the ayat I heard this morning' enough?

Reciting Surah Baqarah in the home

Q: I heard a hadith of our Nabi Hazrat Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) that a person should recite Surah Baqarah in the home.

My question is that, can I recite Surah Baqarah periodically, (30% in the morning, 30% in the afternoon and the remaining in the evening) because it is too long to be completed at a single time (morning, evening or afternoon). Is it ok or should I have to recite it at a single time?