
Fasting till sunset

Q: "Eat and drink until the white thread of dawn appears clear from the dark line, then fast until the night falls" (Sayaqool:187)... I want clarification on this, in the Quran it is clearly described that fast until the night falls not the dawn falls out.

Incorrectly reciting the Quraan Majeed

Q: When I recite Quraan, whether looking inside or not, if I dont know the correct pronunciation of a word or I don't know what the next word is, I guess what it is and continue in that way. I feel lazy to check the correct word or its pronunciation even though I have a Qur'an near me.

Also, sometimes when I read Qur'an while looking inside, I guess the next ayah or the continuation of same ayah because I feel that I know it or I have heard or read a similar ayah somewhere. I don't read a word wrong while knowing the correct pronunciation.

Is this the same case as adding or removing a word or letter?

Mistakenly dropping the Quraan

Q: I have disrespected Quran many times. Most of the time it is unintentionally. But it happens many times. Such as today, I was reading Quran keeping it over two pillows and while reciting, it suddenly dropped down and touched my feet. My eyes were closed because I was reciting from memory. Many times the Quran Sharif dropped from my hand. I unintentionally touched it without wudu and it was touched by my feet one more time in my life when I was young. What do I do since it burdens my mind?

Distortions in the previous books

Q: My question is more of a request for an explanation. I got into a... Lets say debate with a non Muslim and I've answered almost every answer correctly. His one question was if in the Quran it says Allahs word will never change. And if the Bible and Psalms are god's words, why do we say it's changed? The ayah he gave was this one.

The word of thy Lord doth find its fulfilment in truth and in justice: None can change His words: for He is the one who heareth and knoweth all. Surah 6:115

I found another ayah where Allah says:

And recite, [O Muhammad], what has been revealed to you of the Book of your Lord. There is no changer of His words, from Surah Kahf.

I told him whatever God has revealed to Muhammad (sallallahu alaihi wasallam) will never be changed. But he wants to know about ayah 6:115. He says I'm changing the subject and wants to know exactly where in the Quran it says the the Torah and Injeel have been changed.

Reciting Quraan while other passengers are listening to music when travelling

Q: I travel quite early to work and I travel with other people. I try to recite Quraan after fajr, that means I am travelling to work at that time. In my transport the people listen to music. I want to recite Quraan. Can I read even though there is music playing in the background? May Allah Ta'ala protect us.

Aayat of sajdah in Surah Naml

Q: The Sajdah in Surah Naml is normally made on completion of ayah 26 "Arsh il azeem" (as indicated in the Quraan shareef). According to fatwa hindiyya quoting Allamah Aini it says the sajdah must be made on completing ayah 25:9

وَالنَّمْلِ عِنْدَ قَوْلِهِ: {وَيَعْلَمُ مَا تُخْفُونَ وَمَا تُعْلِنُونَ} [النمل: 25]  

My question based on the above is if a person made the sajdah e tilawat in salaah after ayah 25 instead of ayah 26 will this be regarded as an extra added to the salaah thus requiring the imaam to make a sajdah e sahw or will it be counted as the sajdah e tilawat.