
Altering the Quraan

Q: I know that the Quran has never been changed. Did it happen in the history that someone tried to change/add words to the Quran? I know for sure if someone did it, they would fail miserably and it would be discovered because Allah protects the Quran. Just asking if someone actually attempted to change it.

Clarification regarding an incident of Hazrat Moosa (alaihis salaam) and Hazrat Haaroon (alaihis salaam)

Q: I'm clarifying a question. I was listening to a dars which was telling about a conversation between Hazrat Musa (alaihis salaam) and Hazrat Haroon (alaihis salaam). I couldn't listen to the whole dars but I heard a sentence that the narrator was saying that Musa (alaihis salaam) said to Haroon (alaihis salaam) that 'You were a better Khalifa than me, why didn't you guide people in my absence?'. Is this waqia mentioned in the Quran?

Are there additions and changes to the Quraan?

Q: I am a Muslim. One night a thought strikes my mind that "may be after the scientists have discovered some particular thing then the arabs have added those discoveries in the Quran by replacing the previous ayats.

Please try to understand that I am not saying that the Quran is written by humans, rather my question is that may be they have done some mixing by adding the scientific ayats and saying that it is already written in the Quran.

For example in surah "Al ambiya" it says that the heavens and the earths were joined together and we cleft it asunder". My question is that in Surah al Ambiya may be after the big bang theory was discovered the arabs added this verses in the surah al anbiya about the big bang theory?

My question is that was there such adding if scientific ayats in the Quran by the arabs or the Muslims and I am not saying that the Quran is written by humans but my question is that was there any addition of scientific verses in the Quran by the arabs secretly? 

Marrying an adulteress


1. What is the meaning of the 3rd ayat of Surah Noor about the fornicator males are for the fornicator females?

2. I have come across that if a wife quarrels with her husband then her husbands hoors curse his wife. Is it true? What happens when it is his fault and he does wrong to the wife?

Delaying sajdah tilwaat in Salaah


1. Zaid recited a sajdah verse in salah, he didn't do sajdah tilaawat straight away but did sajdah tilaawat after reciting a few verses. Is the sajda tilaawat valid?

2. Zaid recited a sajdah verse in salah, he didn't do sajdah tilaawat straight away but did sajdah tilaawat in the second rakaat, is the sajda tilaawat valid? 

Baseless speculations about the Quraan

Q: I am a Muslim and I was reading the Quran and a thought struck my mind that "Maybe after scientists discovered a particular thing, then the Muslims or the Arabs wrote about it in the Quran and said to the world that it is already written in the Quran about 1400 years ago. Take embryology for example, maybe the Arabs were advanced in embryology and discovered things about the embryo and wrote it in the Quran or an=bout astronomy". Please help give a logical answer.

What are humans created from?

Q: In the Quran Paak 15:26 man created from mud (I translated in my own words please check reference) while 21:30 every living thing is created from water (again my own words please check reference). Please tell about these two verses and also, jinat and angels are created from fire and noor?