
Touching the Qur'an without wudhu

Q: Is it permissible to touch a mus'haf without performing ablution/wudhu? Or let's say is if permissible to study qur'an without wudhu? Because I am memorizing Qur'an and I always go to the comfort room, always pee so I find it hard to make a wudhu every after entering the comfort room. It is also very cold in my country especially in morning. But if it is impermissible or not permissible then I will have no choice but to make wudhu every time after entering the comfort room.

Organising a monthly Qur'an khatam on whatsapp

Q: I am part of a whatsapp group and we have decided that rather then just chatting and posting articles and news, we can do some good deeds together as a group. So alhamdulillah we have started a monthly Quraan Khatam. There is absolutely no force on those who can not manage or be part of the khatam. If anyone cannot manage their para for the month it is passed over to someone who can recite it. After the khatam is made we make the intention of isaale thawaab for all the marhoomeen. After a few months of this khatam which was going very well, somebody said to me that this practice is bid'ah as we have stipulated a time frame of this amal to one month and that we should stop this practice as it has no basis in deen. He also mentioned that our actions needs to be done with sincerity and not for show so it should not be done as a group. I do not want to perform any innovations in deen and I am really concerned. Some of the members are such that if it wasn't for this monthly khatam they would not have opened the Quraan not only for the entire month but rather for the entire year. Should I inform the members of the group and stop this practice or should it be continued?

Complexion of the hoors

Q: In tafsir jalalayn by Allama Suyuti on this verse describing the hoor al ayn "And with them will be chaste females, restraining their glances (desiring none except their husbands), with wide and beautiful eyes; (Delicate and pure) as if they were (hidden) eggs (well) preserved." [Sura As-Saffaat]

كأنهن ** في اللون بيض ** للنعام مكنون ** مستور بريشه لا يصل إليه غبار، ولونه وهو البياض في صفرة، أحسن ألوان النساء

What is meant by white mixed with yellow? Does it mean a tan/light brown skin complexion?