
Making khatam of the Qur'aan Shareef for the marhooms

Q: We as a family have a Whatsapp group on the mobile phone as we all live in different areas. It includes all the young married nephews and nieces, some of their spouses, some aunts and uncles. One person has decided we read Quraan Khatam every month by taking 1 or more paras each for esal-e-swaab for the marhums

1) Is this acceptable?

2) By making it a monthly must do, are we making it an innovation

3) Is it advisable to be part of these type of groups on the mobile phone?

Reading an Islamic book with Aayaat from the Qur'an without wudhu

Q: If one is reading an Islamic book that happens to have an ayat of the Quran in it, does one need to have wudhu to read this book? I am reading a book on the fundamentals of Islam and there are a few verses from the Quran throughout this book. Do I need to have wudhu to read this book or can I read this book without wudhu as long as I do not touch the verses that are written?