
Reciting of Surah Yaseen is equal to 10 Qur'aans

Q: Please explain the concept of this hadith - Hadrat Anas Radi Allahu Taala Anhu reported that the Messenger of Allah Peace And Blessings Be Upon Him has said, “Everything has a heart, and the heart of the Qur’an is Yasin. Allah records anyone who recites Yasin as having recited the Qur’an ten times.” [Sunan Tirmidhi, Vol 2, Page 116 - Sunan Daarimi, Vol 2, Page 336]

What does reciting of Yaseen is equal to 10 Quran mean, what will be rewards of reciting the entire Quran which would also include Surah Yaseen? Is reciting Surah Yaseen superior to reciting Quran, please clarify?

Hanafi Imaam reciting an Aayat of Sajdah according to Imaam Shafi'ee

Q: If a hanafi Imaam recites an Aayat of sajdah (that is according to Imam shaafi'ee Rahimahullah and not according to Imam Abu Hanifah Rahimahullah e.g: The Aayat of sajdah that appears at the end of the 17th juz) in salaah, and he is followed by muqtadis of the different mazhaahib, then what should he do in this situation. If he doesn't make sajdah will their salaah be valid? Is there a solution to this?

Egyptian Qurra

Q: I have some questions which I would like ask mufti sb and seek his assistance. These questions make me uncomfortable and it’s about the Egyptian qurra. I don't attend their gatherings and neither do I listen to them. But what makes me feel uncomfortable is when I see the wise people, ulama and qurra attending these gatherings and honouring the qaari. I would request mufti sb if he can response to my questions and give a response to their statements with dalaa'il so that I know how to defend myself when I approach people who honour and love the qaaris. I myself have hatred for them. The questions are as follows:

  1. What is the hukm of attending a gathering which is conducted by a qaari who shaves his beard? 
  2. I am not saying the qurraa who shaves their beard are on haqq, but looking at their karaamaat what 'if' they are awliyaa so will I be accountable if I condone them and not attend their gatherings? And does it mean I'm not respecting the quraan?
  3. In At-targhib wat-tarheeb in the last volume a hadith is mentioned about the signs of qiyaamah and one of the signs mentioned is " wa an ta'luwa aswaatul fasaqati fil masaajid" and many more ahadith so if we not going to make them mahmool on these qaaris with the mere excuse that they are forced to shave their beards so on who are we going to make these ahaadith mahmool on? Indirectly making the kalaam of Nabi (Sallallahu Alyhi Wasallam) go to a waste. 

I therefore request mufti sb to reply to my questions with such dalaaill through which I can defend the sunnah, mujtahideen and islaam.