
Washing impure clothes in a washing machine

Q: I live in a hostel where we have a card operating washing machine which has a wash cycle of complete 30 minutes. Are then my clothes regarded as pure? After that I place my clothes on a rope basically a wire which even non Muslims share. Keeping in mind that they may keep their impure clothes on the wire and then if I keep my pure clothes on it do they become impure again? On the wire there is no visible najasat. Will my clothes be pure?

Cleaning the laundry bag

Q: There is a laundry bag in which we keep our dirty clothing. Sometimes the clothes are soiled with urine drops or semen and we keep it in there for washing. I want to clean the bag but it cannot be washed as it doesn't fit in the machine due to the wires. How can I make it paak? Putting it under running water will make the bathroom wet. Can I wipe it with a wet cloth. Will it be clean enough. It's made out of polyester so I don't know if wetness is transferred.

Washing off impurity

Q: If there is impurity on a table or chair, how many times do I have to wipe it? Is it necessary to wipe it three times or if no traces of impurity is seen. If traces of something invisible like urine etc are there does wiping once or twice suffice. Also if I wash blood stained or impurity stained clothes in washing machine once will they be pure? Do I have to run rinse 3 times as I feel I am wasting water.

Urine drops problem

Q: I felt like a drop of urine came out. I sat on the chair then I went and changed my clothes. I forgot about the chair. I realised after a few days I was sitting there I took out the seat and washed it. People have sat on the chair and touched the spot and touched other places. I don't know if hands were wet or if impurity was on the chair or has spread. Is the whole chair impure as it is covered in cloth material. How can I make it pure. I'm feeling very distressed.

Doubts regarding impurity

Q: After touching my wife's private part I touched my phone and headphones. I wiped my phone later but not the headphones. I have used the headphones a lot of times and also touched places. Has the whole house become impure. I have touched the headphones with dry hands mostly.

Impurity coming on a blanket

Q: I saw a spot of blood on the blanket. I was on my monthly cycle but there was already blood spot on another place which was not impure blood. But I noticed another spot and I'm not sure whether it's impure or not though the bedding etc is not stained. If I give the blanket for washing in laundry as the blanket is big and difficult to wash will it suffice and be pure?


Q: A few days ago I had a very good chat with my mum about impurities and how it transfers from one objective to another. She sounded like she understood that impurities transfer. I fell satisfied. Today I saw her changing the nappy of my nephew. She didn't wash her hands and she wrapped the baby in one of her scarfs. I doubt whether her she will wash the scarf or not. If I tell her wash it, she might say yes or even wash it but I think when I am not home how they will deal with it. She will be using all daily objects which I use when I come home. I can't avoid touching them. What should I do? She thinks I have OCD. She doesn't care I think.

Impurities on blankets and pillows

Q: During intimate relations between husband and wife usually they touch each others private parts and the same hands touch the sheets and pillows etc or some impurity falls on bed or pillow or blankets. Do we have to wash the blankets and pillows or is changing pillow covers and blanket covers and sheets sufficient?