
Pants becoming impure

Q: Somebody in the house was sick and they got stains of stool on their underpants. That person was not aware. I am not sure that while changing their clothes their foot touched the impurity or not and now they have walked in the house etc. Do I need to worry about where they sat and walked. Please help.

Waswasas and doubts

Q: After I had showered I was checking to see if my underwear was wet so I could change it before putting on a new pad. I didn't feel any wetness so I decided to keep it on. But before I washed my hands I touched some clean clothes. I don't remember my hands being wet. What I can't stop wondering what if it was. There was no blood on my hands either that I can remember and the clothes I put back in my closet with other clean clothes. Were the clothes I touched napaak? How do I clean them all? Are the clothes that touched the clothes I touched in my closet now napaak? How am I supposed to clean them? My mom wont let me wash clothes if they haven't been worn. What do I do? Are they all napaak now?


Q: When I woke up this morning I checked my phone before I went to the bathroom when I saw dry period blood under my nails. So I washed my hands and under my nails thoroughly to make sure the is no more traces. If I touched things before I washed my hands but my hands were dry did the things I touched like my phone become napaak? Because I have heard things only become napaak through wetness. My phone didn't get wet at all that I can remember. so is it napak? I am a very doubtful person trying to slowly treat my OCD problem but I don't know what to do because I didn't wash my phone and I touched it after a lot during the day. Then the next day I saw some stuff near the main key I touched the day before. I don't know if it was from my hands or it is dust from before and now I don't know what to do? Is my phone napaak? If I touched it did I become napaak? If I touched other things after touching it do they become napaak?

Tahaarat and purity

Q: A few days ago I explained to my family that impurities transfer, but it seems that either they don't understand or they are not taking the matter seriously. I saw my mum touching my nephew's nappy. She didn't care whether her hands were soiled or not. She washes my clothes and irons them as well. Can I perform Salaah. I told my family that urine is impure and they all say yes that it's impure but I think that don't understand that impurities transfer. What should I do. Yesterday I wanted to perform Salaah then I left it because I thought I became impure. If they continue to became lax about impurities, what should I do?

Back touching a dua paper

Q: I have a paper which has the dua to read when you wake up in the morning stuck to my wall so I don't forget. As I was making my bed today i didn't remember or it just slipped my mind but as I was fixing my bed my backside or back might have touched the paper. It was an accident. I didn't mean to and now I don't know what to do. I didn't know if I could touch the paper to move it after because I am napak from my period and I don't know what to to do? Did I commit a very big sin? What do I do know ? I am a very doubtful person and I keep thinking that I will be severely punished and I am very scared and I don't know what to do.

Doubts regarding tahaarat

Q: Sometimes I have weird urination dreams. I dreamt of urinating and then I woke up as I thought it was real as I felt a weird sensation. I checked my pants they were dry I was wearing a pad but I didn't feel any wetness or heaviness I went back to sleep as my pants felt dry. Now when I got up my underwear was probably had moisture from wearing it. I did not feel any smell of urine neither did the pad felt wet from it. I'm doubting that what if it had come out and I didn't check. I'm getting paranoid as I don't know whether it happened or not. What should I do I had regarded it as a doubt and have sat everywhere and now I'm feeling doubtful.

Doubts and stray thoughts

Q: A year back in my absence some people living in the house used to consume alcohol. When I came back I washed the utensils and made them clean. However I cleaned the glasses with liquid soap and water using my hand and not a sponge as I did not want impurity to spread. I also washed the glasses later on when some kitchen work was going on. Though I don't use those glasses but I feel that whenever it touches other utensils it makes it impure. Only recently I saw a black dot stuck on it. It could be dust etc as we don't use those glasses now. I'm being paranoid that what if I hadn't washed it properly those two times and it's impurity stuck. A pure utensil had touched the glasses and now I'm being very paranoid. I'm tired of this ocd problem of mine and sometimes I feel that religion is over burdening and I can't handle it. Please help me. As I fear that Allah will just not accept my worship and instead of praying I keep myself involved in all this.