
Wiping impurity off a flat surface

Q: My little brother got urine on his boots at school (at the bottom and top of shoe) and then walked from school to home in the snow, getting them wet. When he came home, he walked through the living room, spreading the wetness from his shoes all over the house. I did my best to wipe all the wetness off the floor but I don't even know all the places the water from his shoes got. Do I consider my living room to be impure? How can I make it pure again? I will have to mop the living room and the rest of the house, it that ok?

Doubting if impurity fell onto the toilet seat

Q: I have a question regarding washing a place that is najis. I usually can see when this particular thing falls on the toilet seat but I know some water did flick off my hand when urine was on it. I washed the inner half of the seat, but was doubtful if it had gone onto the outer edge of the seat. I can usually see it if it falls on all parts of the seat, but because the seat didn't have anything on it I am still doubtful that it may have flicked onto the edge of the seat. My thigh also touched those places thats why I'm worried if it transferred onto me. I also saw something flick off my hand, but cleaned the floor because it felt like it hit the ground and not the seat. All of this is putting a lot of doubt in my mind? What should I do?