Factors that break ghusal

Wet dream


1) If I have a wet dream but I am sure that discharge is mazi not mani, ghusl is waajib on me?

2) According to your answer if discharge is yellowish then it is mani and white discharge is mazi?

3) If I remember only that I saw a guy in my dream and not remember any erotic activity and find wetness then it does need ghusl or not?

3.1) In this situation if I have discharge, sometimes its white (like normal vaginal discharge) and sometimes its colourless discharge, does it require ghusl or not?


Q: When I was in the first stage of sleep I had some sexual thoughts and after few minutes I slept completely with no wet dream but I felt wetness after I woke up, so ghusl is waajib on me or not due to those dirty thoughts?

Wet dreams


1. I know that mazi don't invalidate ghusl so if I have a wet dream and I feel wetness so how I know that I released mazi or mani?

2. Some time I feel tingly sensation in sleep and feel wetness without any dream.

Wet dreams

Q: Whenever I see a guy in my dream I always perform ghusl. This happened to me many times in a week.

1) If I saw a non maharam guy in my dream, so that means this is a wet dream?

2) If I saw a guy in dream and I feel shy and nervous so this is also a wet dream?

Wet dreams

Q: I have a question about wet dreams. I read all questions on the site but still have doubts about my situation. Could you please advise me too? May Allah reward your work, amin. I am a female, I ask these questions below to in shaa Allah make my ibadaat easy and avoid needless bathing, my non-Muslim family can say that I only spend time in toilet for ghusl and wudu as urinating takes a lot of time for me and preparation for salah therefore too. I don’t have much of wet dreams honestly and usually I am sure when I see them, because even if I don’t remember the dream itself the moment when relaxation comes and you feel weak, climax etc, that moment I usually wake up. But sometimes scenarios are different; could you please be so kind to give me answers to few scenarios?

Wet dream


1. I am an unmarried female and I don't know how mani looks. So whenever I wake up from my sleep I feel wetness but I don't feel any arousing, orgasm and wet dream in my sleep, so is there a need to take ghusl?

2. Whenever I have wet dream, how do I know if it is a sexual discharge or it's regular vaginal discharge. I am always confused about wet dreams and always feel impure.