Right of custody if the mother remarries

Q: Does a remarried divorcee have a right over her children from the previous marriage a lady got her marriage dissolved and her boys were left with her former husband (who is their father) and later she remarried. Now she wants her boys back, and says the shariah supports her on this – but the husbands claims that she waived her custodial rights by remarrying -- and that the boys will suffer under their step father.

Advice for husbands

Q: Alhamdulillah on the 2nd August is my nikah, Mufti Saheb please make duah Allah Ta'ala makes this a means of my Imaan been perfected. Maaf for the inconvenience, Mufti Saheb please give me some naseehats with regards to marriage.

Marital rape

Q: I have been asked this question, and after spending some time some researching conflicting views, I feel it would be best for me to pose this question to you. What is the Shari view on rape within an Islamic marriage? As a student of Islamic Law, how do I respond to a woman who says that she has been raped by her husband?

Taking a second wife

Q: Someone I know was mentioning that a certain man wanted to take a second wife because he says his first wife is not enough to satisfy his physical needs. apparently some women whom he approached for marriage were not too happy when he honestly told them the reason. What I want to know: is this a valid reason? If a persons wife cannot cope with/handle his physical desires- can he take a second wife? Obviously he has to be able to treat her/maintain her at the same level as his first wife. Please give a detailed explanation so it can be passed along to those who object & they would be able to understand clearly.