Is it kufr to say that a certain medicine cures

Q: Is it kufr to say that this medicine cures like acne as example. Like is it kufr to put your trust in that medicine? Before I read a fatwa of someone asking that question but they said its not, I don't really remember. But now I am hearing that Allah cures him not the medicine, so I am confused. So whenever I say this medicine has a cure for this, I think is the cure from Allah or Allah put the cure in the medicine. But I know if Allah wills he wouldn't let him be cured by that medicine. Did I commit kufr?

Hazrat Muawiyah (Radhiyallahu Anhu)

Q: I have some questions regarding Hazrat Muawiyah (Radhiyallahu Anhu). 

  1. Was he one of the scribes who wrote down the Qur'an or simply one of the scribes who dictated Nabi sallallahu alayhi wa salam's letters to other rulers?
  2. Is it true that there is a hadeeth in Saheeh Bukhari narrating how Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasalam) explicitly cursed him?
  3. Are there also hadeeths narrating how Muawiyah (Radhiyallahu Anhu) will be denied water from Nabi (Sallahu Alayhi Wasalam's) hands at Al-Kawthar and how Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasalam) cursed him because he (Radhiyallahu Anhu) kept on eating eating while Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasalam) was summoning him?
  4. Was his sister one of the Ummul Mu'mineen (Radhiyallahu anhum)? Did Nabi (Sallallahu Alayhi Wasalam) make dua that he would be a great king?

Dreaming of toilets

Q: I need help. I don't have anyone to ask or anyone to seek help apart from almighty Allah! I keep getting dreams of toilets most of the times dirty and I keep dreaming of my male cousin. I don't day dream or even think about him, still he appears somewhere in my dream! I am getting mislead! Please help me, is something wrong happening with me?

My wife and in-laws deceived me

Q: My question is that my in-laws and my wife cheated me. I use to tell her that I want your photograph without hijab for some documentation purpose but from last 8 months she avoided me. lately I found out that she has some defect. She has full white hair and hair loss. I am in USA right now. Please tell me what I have to do.

Splashes from western toilets on one's shoes


  1. I have Running shoes and what happened is that in these western toilets when you flush the water drops pop out and go far out so you should at least stand a meter away because the outside ones do not have a lid. After I had flushed, I saw a drop on the leather portion of my running shoes (its more like a suede and in the inside of the shoe it says made with synthetic leather) so now I just let it dry because I knew it couldn't go through all the way to my shoe because its synthetic suede. I walked around with it for a couple of days. It rained one day and that spot got wet but water did not flow on it. Yesterday it rained again and the thing is there are 4 little holes on the top part of the suede piece the covers the tip of the shoe. They are about 1 centimeter away from where I remember the drop being and they are on the elevated portion of the shoe and the spot where the drop fell is on the lower portion. My question is enough rain fell on my shoe that the whole suede portion was covered. Now does the whole suede portion become najis? Now when I took my shoe off, the part where the holes where, the sock got wet. So is that najis? I have a feeling this is all waswasas. 
  2. My second question is with regards to Ghusl. When I do Ghusl I take too long and I know I waste a lot of water. I just want to know certain things with regards to pouring water. When say there is najasat on my thigh, I pour water down my thigh once. Does it become clean and the water that falls off at what point does it become najis. What ends up happening is I wash the front part of my leg from my waist down then the back then the front going back and forth and then I end up wasting close to 5 minutes in that and end up showering for 15 minutes. Before it was 45 minutes. I would like to reduce it to just 5 mins to 7 ​mins max. Please help me.


Q: Our father died 25 years back leaving behind my mother, we three sister and my youngest brother and one plot of land on which a two story house is present.  All of us are married and settled.  My brother and mother were staying in the house. My brother was also using the house and the open area for doing business. But he neither ever asked for our permission for doing this nor gave any share to us earned from the house. When the elder sister (who is now widow with 3 unmarried daughters) wanted to stay in the house, our brother opposed it and did not let her enter the house with her stuff. My mother wants to divide her portion from the estate now only among us. After that all of us decided to divide the property as per Shari'ah. Brother wants to stay in the house. But according to the division only half the house with some open area coming in front of that part belongs to the brother. We three sisters want to demolish the part of house coming in our part. But demolishing half the house will destroy the whole house if before demolishing pillars are not pilled to the part of house belonging to our brother. We want to use our area to build new house. However we gave this option to our brother to demolish the whole house and to build a house jointly with us. But he refused.

  1. Who will bear the cost of piling pillars to save that part of house which belongs to our brother?
  2. What be the ratio  for every one?
  3. Is it right to demand share from what my brothers has earned using the house and the plot and never gave any share to us?