What to do when you are faced with wasaawis

Q: My question is about waswaas. Sometimes I can't tell if I acted upon a tought or not or like commited riya though I dont want to show off. Also, I know that the shaytaan  puts whispers into the hearts of the believers wich have iman but what if you like commited kufr before will you still get these toughts so it means you have iman? This is confusing me.  So that means if someone commited kufr before, but he still gets waswaas means he still has iman and hes a muslim? Also while I am confused am I commiting kufr just by being confused by this?

Stray thoughts

Q: I have a dangerous kind of waswaas wich disturb me alot and keep me sometimes depressed. It is about kufr and shirk som can you give me tips on how to deal with them?  Also, while I was home alone I heard a sound and I was quickly like whats that. I tought to myself what if there is a jinn there  (I know we cant see jinns but i didnt remeber at that  time) so I turned my head quickly to see. Then when I was looking I realized that we humans cant see jinns. So did I commit kufr?

Charging the tenant an extra fee for late payment

Q: We have business tenants who persistently don’t pay rentals on time. It appears that they are in fact able to pay, but deliberately withhold the money and instead utilise it to effect early settlement with suppliers in order to get an early settlement discount. In the case of such tenants, is it permissible to charge a late payment fee if the rental due is not paid on time?

Dreaming of my male friend

Q: I'm not married. I'm not dating (as non-muslims and muslims does these days) but I do have friends of the opposite gender. My friend who happens to be a male and I are not on speaking terms and I have learned that he may have alterior motives which made me very sad. Consequentlly, I have unfriended him. Recently, without motivation, I have been dreaming about him. At first I assumed it was my subconcious still trying to see the best in everyone as I do with everyone but I read my namaaz and try to live accordingly and put my trust in Allah Ta'ala.

Dream: I'm in a mini bus taxi and my friend is sitting next to me. I am joking about something and he smiles but looks forward. Then I grab him around his neck and kiss his cheek as a mother would kiss a small son. Very perculiar yet I felt very at ease. I have no idea why I am dreaming about this when I have a lot of things on my mind in other spheres in my waking life.

Sacrificing something for the sake of Allah Ta'ala

Q: The Hadith says that when you leave something for the sake of Allah then Allah will reward you with something better.

Question 1: Does this mean that if one leaves something e.g. sacrifices his home comfort etc. to go to the musjid or in the path of Allah etc., then as a reward, one will get better then what one has left behind?

Question 2: Does it refer to the case where one leaves something haraam e.g. a sinful deed or haraam food then in reward, one will get better than what one has sacrificed?

Question 3: What is the correct explanation of this Hadith?