Nikaah in accordance to the Sunnah

Q: I am soon to be married, insha-Allah. I want to know how to perform the wedding in accordance to the sunnah.

  1. What is the sunnah mahr and the amount in South African Rands?

  2. What is the Shar'ee status of having a wedding and calling people?

  3. When is the sunnat time for having the walimah? Does khalwah (in referance to the walimah) refer to seclusion only or does one have to have intercourse?

Nisaab of Zakaat

Q: A young Mufti (scholar) said to calculate zakaat based on gold. Now he changed his ruling and says to give it based on silver. So, based on gold, the zakat was 3000$. Today when he told the people to do it based on silver, todays silver price was 500$. So what must the people do on paid zakaat, count what is paid on gold as okay and from here on pay of silver?

Reciting the Tasmiyyah at the time Slaughter

Q: I am a PhD, Electronics Engineering, student in Torino, Italy. I have a question regarding chicken meat. There is a slaughter house near our city where Arab Muslim use to slaughter chickens. He slaughters the chicken by hand. Usually he has to slaughter approximately 7,500 chickens in 6 hours. He use to say Takbeer randomly, and not on each individual chicken. He says that it is quite difficult for him to say takbeer on each chicken. We had read in one of Mufti Taqi Usmani Sahib's (db) book that according to Imam Shaafaee (Rehmat Ullah Alaih), it is sunnah to read takbeer during slaughtering. This is the only slaughter house in our knowledge where there is no machine slaughtering of chicken. Now my question is that, if person is slaughtering so many chickens, is it a MUST for him to pass takbeer on each individual. Is it possible for us to eat that chicken if that person is slaughtering correctly according to Fiqh Shafaee?