Islamic etiquettes with regards to answering the door

Q: What is the Islamic etiquette with regards to answering the door when someone knocks. Some people don't answer the door or delay for quite some time before answering the door for no reason at all. In some cases if the person is eating or reading Qur'an, etc, he doesn't answer the door or delays unnecessarily. The person doesn't even announce to the knocker informing him that he has heard him. Is this not inconveniencing the visitors? Please explain the correct conduct and etiquette.


Q: What is the ruling regarding birthdays? Our muslims greet one another on this day and feel insulted if one does not greet them. Another issue is regarding birthday cakes, gifts and parties. Please advise.

Selling Beer Powder


1. Is it permissible for a Muslim to sell beer powder? The names of the beer powder in question are mnanti beer powder and kings brew beer powder. According to my knowledge, these items can only be used to make beer.

2. One of the staff members in this business is a Muslim. He works in the receiving and despatch department. Is it permissible for him to do this work?

3. If the company says that the profits from selling these haraam items are totally separate from the other items and it is taken out and spent in different avenues, will it be permissible?

Women attending Deeni programmes

Q: According to Islamic law, women should remain in their homes and only leave their homes if there is an urgent need to, yet we find that there are Ulama who are advertising this program and that program all in the name of uplifting the ummah. Obviously, these women are going to leave their homes to attend these programs and as a woman myself, I know very well as to how women beautify themselves when leaving the home. My question is "Are these Ulama not contradicting themselves so severly?" Many women look at this and think that its totally fine to go because the Moulanas are encouraging it.

Using a Sheath during Intercourse

Q: I am aware that oral sex is Makrooh.  I have recently come across an article(western health website) stating that impurites from private organs could be dangerous and one should avoid these coming into the mouth. The article suggested using a sheath (alternatively dental dam) to cover the private area of a women before doing such acts. If one does take the above precautions, will the act be permissable?

Male and female cousins hugging and interacting casually

Q: Is it permissible for male and female cousins to hug each other and be casual with each other? In many families, I notice male and female cousins hugging and speaking casually. In certain families, I also see brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law interacting casually. Could you give some advice on this issue and inform us of what appears in the Qur'aan and Ahaadith in this regard?

The Rank of Parents

َQ: I was discussing with a friend of mine regarding the rights of parents, I said that there is nobody after Allah and his Rasool (Sallallahu Alaihi Wasallam) that has more rights upon us than our parents. He commented that he heard someone say that either our Teachers of Islamic knowledge or our spiritual sheikh is higher, but NOT our Parents.

Please answer with quotation from reliable books that who has more rights upon us:

  1. Our Teacher,
  2. Spiritual Sheikh
  3. Parents