Businessman preventing two people from transacting a sale on his property

Q: Could mufti advise on the following: 

Person A owns a Cash n Carry, person B and person C both are his customer's and purchase from him. At the premises of person A, person B and C meet and start transacting on person A's premises. Person A in turns tells Person B that person C is my customer and you cannot supply him. 

1. Is this type of clause permissable in shariah where person A stops person B from supplying person C as he feels it's his customer. 

2. If person B and C transacted on person A's property, is the sale valid.

Overcoming one's fears

Q: Wherever I work, I am always afraid of the people and have fear for people. 

When I am given some work, I start thinking a lot about how to do it and what to do. 

The fear of the boss and some other people is sitting in my heart and mind. I don't have much mental peace and I make silly mistakes, small mistakes happen easily which become big. 

I also have fear of taking leave, fear of work not being completed, fear of asking something, I have all these fears. 

My dream is to get a job in the government or a company like that nearby. I have applied at many places but I am failing and I am not getting a call from big companies and dream that our home loan gets quickly finished. 

I request for a wazifa, Amal or Taaweez if any to benefit myself and also that my home loan gets finished up soon.

Taking out mandatory travel or health insurance

Q: My husband and I were planning on taking a trip to Istanbul, Turkey. We considered it as it is a Muslim dominant location and we wouldn’t have to worry about halal food and would get to visit mosques and for how beautiful it is. However there are two issues:

1. Turkey has a mandate of a travel insurance or health insurance in order to travel to Turkey without which they do not approve of the visa. What should be done in this case? 

2. Back when covid was rampant and vaccination was being made compulsory, I have made a fake certificate. This was done because the vaccine was beeen given mandatorily without it being tested sufficiently. Many people did the same to avoid harm that could be caused due to the vaccine. Now mostly all countries do not require the vaccine certificate but they do sometimes ask for it. What should I do? I cannot get an actual vaccine because the system thinks I have had it already. Plus, post vaccination a lot of people have suffered and some say it is attributed to the vaccine and I don’t want to get vaccinated. Should I just show the fake certificate I have?

Earning through giving good reviews on a website

Q: I need clarification on giving good paid reviews to a website. 

The previous week one individual from UK reached me on WhatsApp to start working on a website called intrepid travelling links. I worked about 3 hours giving reviews to the site. They pay us using bitcoin which we will convert to our local banks. I think the company pays for good reviews to boost their ratings. Is it halal? 

By giving reviews. Should I use it. Continue work or leave it. Reviews are given after using company services but they do this way. Should I use it regularly. Or I should work and spend the money on needy people? Kindly share as per Shariah.

Using company funds for hotel and expenses

Q: I have to visit KSA to conduct a workshop with customers and vendors. Customers and vendors requested to do workshops on weekends so we can save time and go to Umrah within this time line and requested to pay the same amount that will be saved by reducing the time of workshops and hotel accommodations so that we can manage our expenses for Umrah. 

I requested the company for this favor, and the company approved it for the vendor and customer, but when asked for myself, they replied, "we will book a hotel for as per your request and grade limit." When I checked with the relevant person, he told me your limit is 300 AED for a single night. You can book by yourself by booking online and share the booking receipt, and we will pay you. I have calculated that amount and now want to go with another hotel that has a lower rate, some 150 AED, and the rest amount will be used for travel and food during Umrah. Maybe some money can be saved by this. 

Can you please guide me? Is this halal or haram?

Returning money one had stolen and items one forgot to return


1. How do I return money to someone I stole from. I've made taubah over many years and it's not a big amount (under R600) but I'm embarrassed to tell this person as it's a scholar and it may cause this person to distrust me (and I'm not untrustworthy as it was a genuine mistake that I've truly atoned for) and cause disgrace on my family (who are scholars). How can I return it without him knowing I stole it because I don't even live in the same city anymore and I'd have to give the money to a family member who still resides in his city? Is it possible for me to give out the money in charity on his behalf with no expectation of reward and solely give it in his name? 

2. Also with regards to having old textbooks from over 20 years ago from primary school, I forgot to return and a T-square from high school my principal borrowed me which I forgot to return all those years. How can I make up for that amaanah?

Selling customized products made on order

Q: If a person does not own any products, he cannot sell them according to the hadith. But what will be the ruling for customized products which are made on order? 

For example, furniture, customized packagings, custom business cards, custom printed clothes and many other things which are made only on order. These things cannot be kept in stock, because every product is made as per customer's requirements. Such products are neither with the seller nor with any factory. Because such products can be made only when the customer places the order, as per customer's requirements. 

So my question is whether I can take the order from the customer as per my price and give it to the factory? And can I take the full money from the customer in advance? Please clear my doubt.