Sports betting

Q: Is it acceptable to engage in sports betting?

Sports betting involves wagering money on predictions of sports outcomes, such as a player's performance or a team's victory. If the prediction is correct, the better's money can potentially be doubled or tripled. In essence, sports betting revolves around forecasting sports results and staking money on those predictions.

Virtues mentioned for “gatherings of zikr” refer to all gatherings wherein the remembrance of Allah Ta'ala take place

Q: In the book Fadhaail A’maal and Muntakhab Ahadeeth, there are many virtues mentioned for “gatherings of zikr”. For example, angels envelope such gatherings, sakinah descends for the ones in the gathering, all sins are forgiven and transformed into good deeds, etc.

My question is that can these virtues be used for the gatherings where the talks of Imaan and Yaqeen are being done, for example, in the bayaans and muzakara when we go out in Tabligh?