Musaafir staying in one place for weeks but travelling safr distance every weekend


1. If a person travels overseas for 5 weeks but every weekend he travels safr distance for sight seeing and returns to the hotel at night, will he be a musafir during those 5 weeks?

2. If he travels out of the area that his hotel is in but it is not safr distance, will he still be considered a musafir?

Writing out three talaaqs in the state of duress

Q: Mufti Saheb, I was forced by my family to divorce my wife by writing on a page and signing that I am giving her three talaaqs. My family threatened to beat me up if I did not comply. Hence, I was forced to write the following: “I, so and so, am giving my wife three talaaqs.” Are the three talaaqs which I wrote valid or is my wife still in my nikaah?  I did not verbally issue the three talaaqs.