
Q: I want to ask about the tabeer of my dream. I frequently have this dream not once not twice but again and again. The dream is firstly I see myself in a mirror and find out that my teeth are so loose and shaking and then I see that my teeth start falling and I am spitting a lot of teeth from my mouth. Mostly the teeth are of the upper jaw, white and clean without any blood or pain but I see myself spitting a lot of teeth and recently in the last dream I again saw myself spitting teeth but this time some of the teeth I spat had worms in it and were rotten. Please can you tell me what do these dreams mean and why I am having them again and again. I am so worried.

A: It refers to things that worry you and concern you.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
