

Dream 1: I was standing as an Imam on the prayer mat in a mosque. I was leading the prayer, but I was really nervous and anxious. I was under pressure of keeping the salat perfect as an Imam. I was thinking in the dream that I was reading the wrong salat or I was making mistakes.

Dream 2: In my dream I saw that our mosque's Imam did not have a nice qirat so he was setting up an audition of children so that he would make the child the Imam who had the best qirat. I was among those children. An unknown child in the audition had the best qirat I have ever heard. The Imam selected him and I congratulated him and was really impressed by him. Then we left the masjid.

A: If your qiraat or tajweed is not correct, then you should make a concerted effort to improve it.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
