Sitting in the talks of the Ulama and associating with the pious

Q: I want to ask the interpretation of my dream which I saw a few days ago. In the dream I saw a very big musjid filled with worshippers praying and busy with their works.Then I met Molana saad saheb (amir of the tablighi jamaat). Mashallah he was happy and we had a chat for sometime then he told me to go and meet someone called Hazratjee. All the people were trying to get a chance to meet him. I was then called and went with someone to the side of masjid and into his hujra. I found him to be Hazrat maulana Inamul hasan sahab (ex-amir of jamaat). I then shook hand with him and he asked me what I do. I said I am an architect and currently jobless. He smiled but I saw him beardless which I don't like. I woke up at tahajjud time with happy feelings. Alhamdulillah I pray five times and do zikr but undergoing a personal crisis right now. Kindly interpret my dream.

A: You should sit in the talks of the Ulama and benefit from them. The dream indicates that through the barkat of Deen and associating with the pious, Allah Ta'ala will bless you with His grace and remove your difficulties.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
