
Q: I saw in the dream that a very beautiful girl is standing along my sister and her friend  inside a building. They can see outside from mirror, When I came and stand in front of building then the girl on seeing me holded my sister's arm and try to pull it like they were hiding from me. But when she came to know that I have seen them she came down and laughed and came closer to me. I was on cycle but cycle was of plastic so I couldnt get away. She came near me. I took her at side of building because my father was standing at some distance with his friends and was seeing me. I after taking her beside of building held her hand and asked her to hide. This is all I remember.

And in the next night dream I saw my cousin who is aloso very beautiful along my sister.  I was standing in a room and then they came inside, I on seeing this tried to leave the room and behaved like I dont know my cousin. My sister also called her Angelina who is a film actress while the real name of my cousin is Sumbal. I cant remember anything further.

A: Observe strict purdah with all non-mahrams, even your cousins.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
