Wife disobeying the husband

Q: What is Islamic view on

1. Wife going to her parents home without taking permission from her husband?

2. Wife going with her parents to some person who gives taweez without pardah?

3. Wife never listens to husbands view and always listens to her parents and family?

4. Husband travels daily 220 km, and on weekends wants to be with wife, but her parents call her home forcefully, and wife gives priority to her parents and does not listen to her husband.

5. Wife studying mbbs, that's why husband sacrifices plans for not having children's for the next 5 years so not to disturb her studies but wife still utilises spare time to visit her parents and doing work for her younger sisters.

6. Wife's parents are fond of her money and after she completes her degree they want her to work. She is also willing to work, but her husband doesn't like her to work.

What to do, I purchased fazail e Amal and muntakhab and suggested many times to do taleem and once we did taleem in her parents home with her parents. Daily I do taleem and take my wife and all my family members to sit in taleem. My wife listens to whatever her parents tell her whether it's wrong or right. 

A: She must respect her husband. Disobeying the husband is a major wrong.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)