Terminating the pregnancy after four months

Q: My husband and I have been married for 20 years and we have tried our best to have children during this time. I have pursued fertility treatments for 16 years but was unable to conceive. After numerous consultations and duaas we decided to opt for adoption and 2 years ago welcomed a baby boy through that in our lives. 

Now with no treatment of any kind, I have conceived SubhanAllah. It has been 6 weeks and my body has shown numerous signs of health issues. I have been hospitalized twice for various conditions that doctors cannot treat until the end of pregnancy. I was also recently diagnosed with diabetes, under active thyroid and debilitating anxiety and for all those I am required to take medication. 

The baby seems to be okay for now, but the toll on my health so early on is unprecedented. I live in the United States and here doctors never tell you what’s right for you. They only present the conditions and let patients decide. 

In a situation like this, where both physical and mental health are compromised is abortion allowed as a consideration?

A: After making so much dua to Allah Ta'ala to be granted a child, your duas have been answered by Allah Ta'ala. The only way for you to show gratitude is to turn to Allah Ta'ala and ask Him to bless you with good health and bless you with a healthy and pious child. 

Terminating the pregnancy after four months is haraam and impermissible as the rooh enters the fetus. Terminating the pregnancy before four months is also wrong, unless one has a valid reason.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)