Q: A person gave his Zakaat to an organization and told them that that since he is giving them his Zakaat, they should assist him by giving him the same amount in lillah. Is this permissible, and will his Zakaat be discharged?
A: The principle of zakaat according to the Fuqahaa is that the zakaat one gives should not be given in lieu of any service or benefit.
If one gives his zakaat to someone and says that I am giving you this zakaat in lieu of you providing me a certain service or giving me a certain benefit, then in this case, the zakaat will not be discharged. Hence, if the person made such a condition, that he is giving his zakaat money to the organization, and in lieu of his zakaat money, they should give him lillah money, then his zakaat will not be discharged.
However, if he did not ask them for lillah money in lieu of his zakaat money, but merely asked them to assist him with lillah money at another time (not the time when he gave the zakaat), then in this case, his zakaat will be discharged.
And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.
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