Making taubah for one's past

Q: I have committed a lot of sins to the point where my life is on the line. 

I heard a talk about if someone doesn't have enough good deeds to account for their bad deeds Allah takes it for their state like: making them lonely, taking away their salaah and imaan, etc. I am kinda in that state and I want to repent and make tawbah but I don't know how. 

What dua do I make? Do I pray salaah like normal? Do I read specific durood? Are their specific steps? Do I need to make ghusal? What do I do? 

Please give me a LOT of advice on how to repent and strengthen my imaan (e.g. duas ,extra prayers, etc.)

A: At all times, a believer should have hope in the mercy of Allah Ta'ala. Losing hope in the mercy of Allah Ta'ala is the way of the kufaar. 

When you have realised your sins and mistakes and you are feeling remorseful about them, then all you need to do now is to sincerely beg Allah Ta`ala for His forgiveness. 

You should make taubah to Allah Ta'ala for the sins you have committed in the past and for the sins you are currently involved in. Similarly, you should make a firm resolve that you will not return to those sins in the future. 

When taubah is made in this manner with the firm resolve never to return to the sins again, then Allah Ta`ala will most certainly accept your repentance. 

A sign of one being sincere in one's taubah is that one detaches oneself from all devices and avenues which were the cause for one falling into sin. 

In order for you to remain firm upon your repentance and taubah, it is important that you keep the company of good and deeni committed individuals and stay far away from any person who has the slightest chance of influencing you and tempting you to evil and vice. 

Likewise, ensure that you stay away from all such places and gadgets that will cause you to drift away from the straight path. 

Commence performing your five daily salaah on their prescribed times and observe strict pardah with all non-mahrams. 

Commence with the following daily program at home: 
(1) Ta`leem of Fazaa'il-e-A`maal, Fazaa'il-e-Sadaqaat and Bahishti Zewar. 
(2) Recitation of a portion of the Qur'aan Shareef and some zikr. 
(3) Du`aa at the end of each session. 

Further, it will be advisable to keep in contact with a pious sunnat adhering aalim or shaikh living near you so that he may guide you in all matters of life.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)