Three talaaqs

Q: I am married to my husband on 15 July 2009. After four years he say divorce to me twice in one setting then my family said we make this home again and you will ruju with him. 

I am OK and and we start life again. Last year he again divorce me three times in one setting. My family contacted mufti and told him the whole situation. He say there is a gap in wordings and this is the last chance to continue with him and ruju. 

Now this year on 5 Jan, he again say divorce three time in one setting. Now my heart say something is against the laws of Allah. Please give me your option not live with him. He again say I am not mean it.

A: The time he issued the third talaaq to you, your nikaah with him had terminated. Thereafter, you both were haraam for each other and you both were living in zina. 

You should immediately separate from him and make sincere tawbah for remaining with him all this while. 

If after the third talaaq was issued until now, three menstrual cycles have already passed (and you are not pregnant), then your iddat has also ended even though it was without your knowledge.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada

Checked & Approved:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)