Getting involved with a non-Muslim

Q: I am Muslim of age 27 from north India. Hope you will understand my problem and give me the solution according to the law of Allah subhana watala so that Allah will forgive me and show me the right path to follow. May Allah forgiveness my sins and accept my tawbah.

Dear mufti sahib , I committed that sin which is highly punishable in Islam. I want to know what I have to do now so that Allaw Ta'ala will forgive me and accept my Tawbah. I want to tell you my present situation and I wish the solution from you according to the law of Allah Ta'ala. During my higher studies, me and my female batch mate became close to each other. She is a non-Muslim girl from south India.  I used to teach her every time about Islam , Quran, hadees and namaz etc  and she started to believe in Allah and his messenger. I told her to become a Muslim, she replied, pray for me and let Allah show me the true way of life. She told to me about her commitment to a non Muslim person for marriage, but she was not happy by that relation. Mean while she became close to me and I also, then we deviated from our paths and committed the sin. 

I told her we should seek forgiveness from Allah and go for marriage and we moved away from each other, so that we should not commit the mistake any more. In a real way I was not wishing to marry her due to lot of reasons : 1) my family has to suffer a lot that 2) she had a severe medical problem  – she can lose her eye vision any time , if she will give birth to a baby that time there are 100 percent chances to lose her eye vision and the baby will be with the same disease as her mother. 3) she is more aged than me and not much beautiful. I was knowing my family will not accept her. But I had committed the mistake and wish Allah should forgive us  , so I got ready to marry her at any cost. I told to my parents about her, and my father became very happy that we will be able to make her as muslim , so they agreed. But my mother told we are sacrificing our happiness for you. what ever  they agreed that was most important for me. When I told the girl, that my parents agreed for our marriage , she became very happy and told I will also talk to my parents. Her parents didn’t agreed at all , they told her you have to become muslim for that and what about the first person you have committed before , as he is waiting for you from so long and so many other things .

I was very tense all the time about my mistake and I performed tawbah so many times infront of Allah and I know Allah will forgive us, he will forgive us. I left everything and used to cry all the time for the forgiveness. And I prayed to Allah to do what is good for me. After  a month , She told me go ahead with some other girl , as she is not able to decide anything to whom she will choose , that non muslim person or me . We discussed the whole issue with the person also, he also told it is upto her to decide now. But she couldn’t decide anything as she is telling the person is still loving her and she is feeling guilty for her mistakes. I am not able to understand her, she is telling me, I dont know what to do.

I told her, what ever you do, but be as muslim and save your parents also from the fire of Allah. And from now onwards we will not contact each other at any cost and follow Rules of Allah to our maximum. But I myself am so afraid that if Allah will not forgive me what will happen
to me at the day of judgment , so we both decide to put this whole issue in front of you , so that you will tell us , what we need to do as per Islamic shariya?


A: If her family is not happy and she is interested in Islam then convert her and arrange for her to marry some other Muslim.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Ebrahim Salejee (Isipingo Beach)
