
Q: We have some problems. Can you please suggest some wazifa. I am sorry mufti sahab the mail is very lengthy and time consuming,
but please tell us something. May allah reward you in akhirah and duniya and may your children be among saliheen ameen.

My sister was married 3 years ago, but her husband was physically unhealthy. So we had to take qula within few months. After that my parents requested my sister to marry someone else but she is reluctant and clearly says she will not get married again.

Me and my father have also seen her in our dreams couple of times after taking Qula.

1. My father saw this dream. he said the following: My sister is going out of our house and my father is calling her. But she is not responding. Then my father shouted at her firmly and she stopped from going out. When she turned my father saw her legs and her legs were like eagle's legs. My grandfather (was not alive at that time) said to my father save her from that thing save her from that thing.

2. I saw this dream: Once she is scratching my hand with her nails and I am explaining her something very politely. Then suddenly another person who was sleeping jumped on me and his one hand's nail were very big (might be 1 foot). He attacked me with that hand and I defended myself. My mother and my younger brother is sleeping in the room. I wanted to call them for help but I was unable to as I was very busy defending his attack. He tried a lot to harm me but finally after a bit of struggle I pushed him to the ground and broke his hand from shoulder. My sister was watching all  this in my dream from a distance.

3. Few days after taking Qula, my father saw my grandfather (who was not alive at the time of dream) and my sister in his dream. My grandfather is hugging my sister tightly as if saving her from something. There was a huge black person, wearing nothing on his upper body and shouting very loudly as if he is not happy seeing my grandfather with my sister. My father is just standing and watching this in his dream.

4. I saw this dream. I am at some place with my mother, younger brother and sister. I am concerned about something so I went and locked a door and I am somewhere under the ground. I saw up and there is someone who wants to attack us and that thing transformed into a bull. It was able to open the first door and came in. It is very angry and trying to push the second door as well/meanwhile I am searching for a place to hide my family. But I was not able to find a place and that bull was able to push open the second door as well. That bull transformed into a very huge black man wearing nothing in his upper body. He was shouting very loudly and wanted to harm us. So I came in front, keeping my family behind me. I was telling him "you cannot do anything to us , you cannot do anything to us". It had a big gun in his hand and it tried to
shoot me with it but was unable to do it. I said let me help you with and took the gun from his hand by chance. He was surprised and tried to take it back from me but by then I shot directly at his head from behind and it fell on the ground. Then I took my family above on the ground and we were passing through a herd of very healthy white, red and black cows,but they are not harming us. That is the end of the dream.


A: Recite four quls and Aayatul Kursi after your five daily Salaah and before retiring to bed. Allah Ta'ala will save you from all evil.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
