
Q: Last night I saw very scary dream which woke me up in fear in the morning at 6 o'clock. In my dream I saw I am sitting with 2 of my friends in a old empala car, myself sitting on the back seat, my freind was taking the car in reverse, and I was guiding him, all of sudden the electricity shutdown, and everything turned unvisible, I am chatting with my friends after few minutes, the power came back, and all of sudden I saw many types of snakes has surrounded me in the car along with my friends, as I started shouting for help, one of my freind told me, not to get scared, as these snakes came due to our car engine voice, when we were going in reverse and the power of the area turned off, I woke up in fear, and I am very disturbed this whole day. Can you please help me out, why I had seen this type of dream, usually I don't remember any dreams, but this was very much terrific and horrible. Please suggest me as per Islamic point of view.


A: Refrain from going to wrong places and wrong company. Protect your mouth, eyes, ears and heart at all times from committing sin. Remain in pious company and be punctual on your Salaah.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
