
Q: I had a unique dream years ago however I always remember it and would really like to understand it. Time and time again I'm reminded of it, could mufti please give me a detailed interpretation.

The dream was before fajr and I remembered the dream as soon as I woke up (at fajr time for salaah). "I was in Makkah Mukarramah, in the haram, in front of the ka'bah. It was evening/night and suddenly a whole lot of non-muslims were coming and they were going to do something bad, attach either the ka'bah or us muslims. However there was only youth on both sides and I was in jihaad and the  non-muslims were rushing forward to attack us and they were yelling and screaming. So I quickly reached down and picked up hand fulls of  stones/pebbles and began to scream to the Muslims: "Say Allahu Akabar and throw, say Allahu Akbar! I felt a rush of thrill inside me, I was in jihaad and I was fighting for Allah and I was overjoyed. I began to say "Say Allahuakbar" and everyone began to say "Allahuakbar" and in one voice we were throwing. My position was such that my back was facing Baytullah and then with one hand I held and grabbed the cloth of the ka'bah and in my other fist I began to throw, I was leading the Muslims on, to fight. Then there was a rush of confusion and suddenly I shouted "Say: O Allah we are protecting Your Ka'bah so Allah help us, please Ya Allah" and I remember seeing this boy on our side also throwing stones. Now I was seeing the battle from a birds-eye view, I could see the heads of the Muslims and entire area. I said "They're gone!" whilst the fight was going on the muslims (we) were standing in front of the ka'bah, guarding it. Then after the battle everything fuzzed out and I just saw black. Then (I'm not sure wether this is continuing or after a while) it was daytime and I was in my school girls only madrasah) grounds. I saw this boy; the same one who helped me in the battle and I ran up to him from behind and tapped him lightly on the shoulder. I was so happy to see him because I wanted to thank him for helping me and the Muslims win. He was strolling along, walking slowly, with his hands in his pockets. After tapping him he turned around and I said: "Thank you for helping me." and I smiled, embarrassed. We looked at each other and I understood him, there was a connection or something and then he turned and walked away but I still wanted to thank him over and over again.

  *I'm a female
  *I've never been for umrah


A: You should thank Allah Ta'ala for creating the spirit of the Sunnah and upholding Deen within your heart. This is a time in the world where the jihaad between Imaan and kufr continuously takes place. Living in a western environment, a mu'min is faced with different challenges. He has to safeguard his imaani identity and at every moment on the guard that he is not influenced by the western culture. The meaning of the dream is that we should continuously shun the ways of the kuffar and oppose their value system. A woman should firmly latch on to modesty, bashfulness and shame and remain within the confines of her home. Without a valid need, she should not leave her home. 

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
