
Q: A night before I saw this dream that I went to my elder sister in laws home in pakistan. My niece who will be her daughter in law was there. I was in the kitchen and my sister in law blocked my way in anger and said you phoned in the village and gave my reports there. I swore my dad's life it's not true then I said her ask my niece will she swear her beloved thing if she is true? My niece started weeping. In reality that niece will come here after marriage. Will her arrival be good for me or not just tell me?

A: Maintain good relations with all your relatives and overlook their faults and weaknesses. If you treat them with compassion and respect, Allah Ta'ala will create compassion in their hearts for you.

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.


Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
