
Q: I have two dreams both which I would like the meaning for:

The first happened before 2am. I am in a bedroom in my parents house (where I currently live) and there is a guy there (who I have seen in real life but do not have any friendship with him at all) he is talking about marriage to me and I feel like I really like him because he is kind, affectionate and caring towards me but I worry about his character (in real life this guy has questionable character) and if he will change once we get married. It seems like my parents need to be convinced about the match and he is telling me it will be ok. But I worry I may get taken in by his nice talk now but scared that he may change later. The scene changes and I am at my old in laws house (I am only recently divorced - 2 days ago) sitting in the living room writing something on paper when they arrive back home. My husband comes in to the living room sees me and ignores me, my mother in law enters and starts to have a go at me for my role in the divorce. I start explaining my situation and say there are two sides to a story and that it her fault my husband is divorcing me. She then walks of in the kitchen saying it's her sons decision. I follow her and keep arguing my case. I see my husband in a office type room with another women both are sat at a desk. I do not know from looking at the outside if this is a professional meeting or a potential future proposal but I feel very jealous and upset. I sit with his mum in the living room and after some time of arguing my case again she comes round. However I am not sure if she is saying this to make me quiet or she really has become sympathetic because she says it's too late to do anything now as all the family know about the divorce, she tells be to be patient and move on. I start crying saying it does not matter if people know, my life is in pieces my marriage is worth it I just want him back. But she keeps on saying it's too late know. My husband also throughout the dream ignores me and shows no emotion to me being there or what I am saying to his mum.

The second was after fajar

I can only remember parts of the dream. I am looking through online at people I went to university with and most are married and have children and I feel really sad that I am divorced and unmarried and wonder when will my time come. The second element of the dream is that I am at a theatre type place with my whole family watching a show. I am feeding my niece some puréed banana with crushed almonds which she is enjoying.

A: Both dreams indicate towards the difficulty you are going through. You should observe strict purda with all na mahrams. You should turn to Allah Ta'ala in dua and ask him to bless you with a pious spouse and a happy life. Refer to http://muftionline.co.za/node/4295

And Allah Ta'ala (الله تعالى) knows best.



Answered by:

Mufti Zakaria Makada
